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Multiple elites


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Hi guys. I currently have a 2 track loft layout with no crossovers . I have a hornby elite so its dcc. The power tovthe other track is supplied via power clips. My question is...i have recently aquired another hornvy elite controller. If i took away the power clips and ran the other loop through the new elite would this be ok ? I know the two must never ever meet as in a crossover ( which u dont have anyway ) so birh loops would be total seperate but powred by 2 elites. Whats the pros and cons to this....any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Alan

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As long as the two loops are totally separate electrically, there should be no problem.  The only danger is if something conductive accidentally fell across the different tracks and shorted them together then there could be damage caused.


If it was me, I wouldn't do it.

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You cannot ever have two DCC controllers directly connected to a same layout other than in a proper Walkabout arrangement. Separate loops, yes - as Rog says.


You can connect a slave Select to either a master Select or master Elite by way of the Xpressnet cable connection, but you can not connect a slave Elite to a master Elite or to a master Select. The Elite is not capable of such a connection and to do so could damage either or both.


The master controller supplies both the power and DCC signal to the track and the slave controller merely asks the master to pass along its commands. One Elite will not speak to a second Elite in this fashion.


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Nothing more to add, its all been said all ready.


The only amendment I would make to Rog (RJ)'s reply would be to replace the word "electrically" with the word "physically" in the first opening sentence. But that would be a very picky amendment just to 100% emphasis the need for total separation.

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Alan, maybe you could explain why you would like to consider it. 

In my view, unless the loops are very long, it will be difficult to control more than 1 Loco on the same loop.  It obviously can be done as long as they are running at the same speed but (from experience) one will soon catch the other.  As Fishy says, you will get 4 controller knobs but that may just over complicate things, rather than be an advantage.

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Hi yes my loops are quite long and being electrically nieve I don't use bus wires. Don't get me wrong my layout was working ok but sometimes my locos with sound would cut out and restart. I know the pitfalls so both loops and sidings are now completly separate. My sound locos now don't cut out and as someone said I have the advantage of having control of 4 locos at any one time

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