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Dcc Select controler


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Hi folks, 

I have a Hornby DCC Elite and have been thinking of getting a Hornby Select controler.

I just wondered which is the best way, to connect the Select to / with  the Elite, would the Select get its power from its own power plug, or would it come from the connection to the Elite? What if any additional cable would I need?

Thanks for any info , 







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You need a round section R8266 Walkabout cable. You must not plug in the Select power unit as the Select takes its power from the Elite via the Walkabout cable.


You do not use the flat section R8236 Booster cable.


Be aware that you can only control locos via the Select with addresses in the range 1-59, so if you have any above this address you can use the Elite but they will not respond to the Select.


It will help if you tell us the firmware revision state of your Elite. A new Select will have the latest firmware but a second hand Select may need updating by Hornby.



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Personally, I wouldn't do it........but if you are insistent then it is only right that I answer your question and highlight the limitations of doing so.


Firstly, when you connect the Select to the Elite as a 'Walkabout' controller you MUST NOT connect the Select to its own mains power supply. The Select MUST be powered from the attached master Elite.


Only the output of the Elite must attach to the track. The Select MUST ONLY connect to the Elite and nothing else.


It is recommended that you do not use the R8236 cable. You might find some old 'out of date' Internet resource saying that you can. And yes it might work, but best engineering practice is to use the later R8266 cable. You will know if you have the correct cable as it will be a round flex cable and not a flat flex one.


Now as to my reason for not doing it.


Lowest common denominator rules. If you use the Select as a Walkabout with the Elite, you will not be able to control any locos or accessories that you have set up using the Elite with the Select 'Walkabout' controller that are outside the Select controllable range.


The Select operates locos with DCC addresses in the 01-59 range and accessories in the 61-99 range. Address 60 can be used for an accessory but with limitations and should be avoided. The Elite on the other hand has no such DCC address limitations. So if you want to use the Select as a 'Walkabout' with an Elite on a continual basis, then you will have to limit all your DCC addresses that you use to those that are supported on the Select. Severely limiting the flexibility, in my view, of the Elite.


Note that the R8266 cable is obsolete by Hornby, but third party clone versions (with the correct round cable) are available on ebay


EDIT: Rob posted whilst I was preparing my reply. But we both basically concur with the same recommendations.

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The reason for using the round 4-wire Walkabout cable instead of the flat 6-wire Booster cable is there can be cross talk from the outer pair of wires of the Booster cable onto the inner wires which may result in comm errors twixt the Select and Elite.


See my post in latest aqcuisitions about a replacement Walkabout cable from Wilco.



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I have a Select connected as a Walkabout from my Elite, using the R8266 cable.

Yes, it does have limitations as Rob and Chris have stated and I do have some Loco's with addresses above 59 that I cannot control with the Select. 


However, the advantages of having another controller at the other side of my layout, outweigh the address limitations for me.

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Hi, RAF96, Chrissaf, RDS, & Fishmanoz,

First off, I have recently updated my Elite, to the 1.4 version and my Elite and Locos are working well.

Many thanks for all the info, you all provided, I have learnt a lot, appreciate your input, it backs up my theory that asking questions in the forum, pays off big time with the advice and direction, prior to taking important steps, with new equipment.

Thanks again, 


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Expat, hi, as a fellow expat, I use 2 selects in tandem with my Elite. They contrary to the doom and gloom merchants, work exceedingly well. Walkabout yellow cables exist on eBay, and guy will make any length. They act as walkabouts and plug directly into Elite. As RDS mentioned you need to keep  in mind numbers you allocate to locos,but as I only use 2 digit ones, problem, non existent. They are the perfect solution  if you have Elite  and a large layout to over. Also, great, for children to join in. You can pick them up, very cheaply, and may well not need updating. John

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