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Writing to CV speed setting

Triumph speedtriple

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Hi people

I have a Bachmann Class 66 factory fitted with chip and sound. At slow speed it runs well but when you accelerate to its mid range it runs erratically, then past to a higher speed it's OK again. Same thing if you decelerate. I have managed to do a reset, but it has not stopped it. Do you think the speed step settings have got corrupted and will I have to go in the speed step CV. Not to sure what to do as other than change loco address I leave well alone. So changeing these settings is something I have never done. All other locos on the layout work fine.

Cheers Peter

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Welcome biker...

If you have Decoder-Pro part of free download JMRI you can see the speed profile in the fashion of a graphic equaliser, which allows you to alter the slope to correct any decoder vs motor speed anomalies.


Have you read the manual for the sound decoder in your loco to see what speed curve adjustment there may be. Often there is the choice of three point or multiple point curves.


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Hi Rob Thanks for the reply, afraid to say I'm a Mac user and from what I see theres no hope for us regards software

So over the last few days I have learnt alot about changeing CV settings knowing how to reset to default if I mess up. What I know now is that theres a problem with the mid range on the speed step CV. I have entered all sorts of figures with the result that maybe the loco sets of slower than default or a little quicker than default. One thing remains the same, at mid throttle the loco stutters and surges. Below and above the midrange she runs fine. When I first got the loco she ran fine and I duly ran her in and had no problem, so after, when this happened running on the layout, I thought the wheels/contacts were dirty, but no. Got on to Bachmann support and after telling them I have reset a number of times, they have asked me to send the loco in for testing/repair. Before I do that I'll let the guys at the club have a look and maybe see if works fine on another controller

Cheers Peter

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Rocrail runs on any platform and supports any controller and has a similar CV setting screen.


You didnt say which controller you have but if you can change CVs then it must be fairly capable. Try setting up a simple three point speed curve to about half the norm. Check your decoder manual to see if these are the same CVs.


Set CV5 (V-mid) to say 50 and limit CV6 (V-max) to say 100 and see if the mid range stutter is apparent at this new mid speed or if it is now evident at the new top speed (i.e. roughly the old mid speed). If it has gone then raise that top end in steps of 10 until it reoccurs.


That should tell you if it is the problem is loco related or just a decoder setting.


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Hey Rob

Controller is Hornby's elite, Bachmann's paper work reguarding CV tells you to go on the website for the settings but say settings have been selected to achieve best performance. Decoder it seems is a ESU LokSound. So I did a 'read' cv on CV 2,3,4,5 and 6 made a note checked against the websites and she is diffrent.

Readings from the loco are

CV2 Start volatage is at 3

CV 3 Acceleration is 107

CV4 Deceleration is 086

CV5 Maximum speed is 160

CV6 Medium speed is 080

Manual setting differ at CV2 same at 3, CV3 = 8, CV4 = 6, CV5 = 64 and CV6 = 22

So I programed these in and it was a lot slower but again from good running 'crawl' to its new 'slow' top speed there was the stutter. Did a reset and started to try all sorts of numbers on CV6 between the range of CV3 and CV5, useing odd numbers some even, still the same. 

Cheers Peter

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Peter it looks like its the decoder if the fault has moved with the physical change of speed, hence we can rule out mechanical links such as gear train or motor fault.

You could try knocking off BEMF, usually CV10 to see if that has any effect but I tend to think its the decoder. Did you say you had tried a decoder reset.


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As i have just posted on another forum -

From what I can see, I would say you need some more track feeds as it looks like there may be a lack of voltage in some areas. How many power feeds have you got and are you using point clips on the points?

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Thanks for the reply, afraid to say I'm a Mac user and from what I see theres no hope for us regards software

Hi Peter, just picking up on Decoder Pro and Mac - I run JMRI Decoder Pro on a Mac no problem. It is a native install and not complicated to do at all, and I absolutely recommend it for programming. I use it with an Arduino loaded with DCC++ which is about 15GBP to make, but you could use a Sprog too. I had the same view of Mac software originally but I learnt a whole load setting this up!

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Hi Rog, yes will go ahead and do more feeds but why I was not sure if this was my problem was because the 66 is the only engine doing this. I can have two engines running round with others with sound and lighs on with no problems and up to the other week the 66 ran OK too and the 66 runs sweet at below or above mid range.

Hornby's Class 60, 67 and Flying Scotsman with TTS sound, Dapols Class 68 factory fitted sound and of corse Bachmanns 66 factory fitted sound. All except the 66 work fine. All points are live and I change by hand. 4amp power 


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I don't know why just the 66 is affected but i had a very similar experience when I first set up my DCC layout some years ago.  Extra track feeds cured it in my case. I don't recommend relying on the point clips.  There have been instances where they have made poor contact with the track leading to them getting very hot and damaging the points.

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