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Getting hold of X7125 tyres

Guest Chrissaf

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As per my previous post, X8030 traction tyres are suitable only for UK- and early China-made tender drives with Ringfield motors.  Later Chinese tender drives will not accept these 'chunky' tyres, hence X7125 tyres being produced, which have a smaller profile.  In the absence of pack X7125, try pack X9722 if it is available.


Absolutely correct! Found out the hard way.

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This why the R9289 Edward, R9290 James and R9291 Gordon all should have been locomotive driven. When these were announced in back in 2015, I hioped that they would loco driven, which eleminate this traction tyre issue. They are, not as three all have the same tenders and the same motors fitted which for manufacturing purposes brings the costs down. However, this brings another problem of spares, such as traction tyres which are inexistant at the moment. There appears to be no spares made at the moment for any of the Thomas products made in 2015 and 2016, which terrible to be honest  with you. I hope stuff starts arriving soon. When and if it does, I will stock up.


GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

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Totally agree.  I mean I realise Hornby were probably being stiffed by the Thomas and Friends license but loyal Hornby fans like me forked out up to £120 for these engines which I'm sure pays for the license and manufacturing and a bit of asset management company profit.   And lets face it they are rubbish compared to other locos you could get for that money.  At least Hornby could take responsibility for us actually being able to use them after the smallest and most insignificant part needs replacing (1 year for me!).  Rant over.  For now.

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If all else fails...



So they are round not flat...worth a punt and a lot cheaper than model railway rubber.

Nice Idea RAF96!  Unfortunately I have learned from fiddling around with them that they need an exact fit.  Even the thicker X8030 (which do actually fit on the wheel) are useless and we are talking fractions of a milimetre difference in thickness.  It simply will not run with the slightly thicker tyre.

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@mar Mallard


I agree, the 2015 and 2016 Thomas & Friends range are rubbish in terms of quality to the rest of Hornby products. Hornby Thomas products made before 2015 were brilliant and was rare to find faults. The newer stuff has problems in all areas; Assembly issues paint scratches / chips, loose con rods which fall apart after about 10 minutes of running; Wonky wheels on R9292 Henry's tender.


Now the issue of spares is arising, which does not exist as of yet. Even though they no longer hold the license, I hope spares will come up for sale, otherwise people who have the newer models won't be able to run them without traction tyres, if they are prone to snap.


GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

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@mar Mallard


I agree, the 2015 and 2016 Thomas & Friends range are rubbish in terms of quality to the rest of Hornby products. Hornby Thomas products made before 2015 were brilliant and was rare to find faults. The newer stuff has problems in all areas; Assembly issues paint scratches / chips, loose con rods which fall apart after about 10 minutes of running; Wonky wheels on R9292 Henry's tender.


Now the issue of spares is arising, which does not exist as of yet. Even though they no longer hold the license, I hope spares will come up for sale, otherwise people who have the newer models won't be able to run them without traction tyres, if they are prone to snap.


GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

I wish I had known that, I would have bought older, cheaper Thomas stuff on EBay.  I had to send new Edward and Gordon back due to poor moulding.  To be fair Jadlam did their best to accomodate me.  Having said that I have less issue with the looks of the trains, my 3 year old would not appreciate a really detailed model, that would be silly!  And Thomas himself is a great little loco, tough as an old boot!  It's the bigger engines being tender driven that everyone seems to complain about.  I have Henry but he's not coming out until Christmas!  He looks great actually, loco driven with a heavy tender.  Best of the bunch I am hoping.


Obviously Hornby needed to produce them cheaper as there was something wrong with the bottom line, or else they would not have ditched the licence.


Anyway I don't want to be a Hornby ranter, love them really.  They just need to look after good customers who spend a lot of money by facilitating them actually using the trains they have sold us!

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The thing I recommend you do with R9292 Henry before you run him is check the con rods. If they seem too loodd, tighten them up with an R913. Also, check the tender wheels. The tyres are not glued to the inner plastic green wheels properly. If yours has this issue, which it will as I couldn’t find one for sale without the issue, the wheels will need gluing. I took mine to my local model shop for me and they glued the wheels togeftger for me. The tender don’t run properly or at all until the wherls are fixed.


GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

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The thing I recommend you do with R9292 Henry before you run him is check the con rods. If they seem too loodd, tighten them up with an R913. Also, check the tender wheels. The tyres are not glued to the inner plastic green wheels properly. If yours has this issue, which it will as I couldn’t find one for sale without the issue, the wheels will need gluing. I took mine to my local model shop for me and they glued the wheels togeftger for me. The tender don’t run properly or at all until the wherls are fixed.


GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

Thanks!  Great advice, will take a look.

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Mar Mallard, if you would like me to post an image of the wonky tender wheels on R9292 Henry's tender wheels, then please ask me. I am happy to do this for you. You will then be able to see what you are looking for, when you do bring Henry out of the box. 😀


GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

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Okay folks!  After plenty of wailing, gnashing of teeth, beating one's breast and tearing one's hair WE HAVE A SOLUTION.  (Trumpet fanfair sounds)


Hornby technical services told me that X6142 traction tyres fit these tenders.  I bought a pack from Peter's Spares and James in now running!


If you own any of these engines and are sensible you will buy yourself a pack from Peter's Spares NOW before they run out/armegeddon hits/Russia invades, etc.



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According to my records, X6142 is a bogie for the class 395 Javelin emu.  If you search for X6142 on this site, you are taken to X6162 (presumably because Hornby do not have X6142 - but why do they do that rather than just advise non-availability?) which is a Castle part.


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Good to hear you have resolved the problem.  However, X6142 is not a tyre pack: could it be X6412 you are using (nominally for the class 86)?


Thanks for picking that up!  The idea was to make the solution searchable and easy to find an the wrong solution would have only caused more confusion!  Dyslexia!!

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Glad there are traction tyres that these locomotives. They must clearly be the same part, if they fit.


GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

My guess is that they found something that fitted.  These are very small and have to be stretched over the wheel a fair bit.  Nothing like the (admittedly stretched) tyre that was originally fitted.  I thought they were N guage when I opened the packet!  Maybe I'm wrong. 


Doesn't matter, they fit and the loco runs!

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  • 8 months later...

Mar Mallard, if you would like me to post an image of the wonky tender wheels on R9292 Henry's tender wheels, then please ask me. I am happy to do this for you. You will then be able to see what you are looking for, when you do bring Henry out of the box. 😀


GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

Ha!  Exactly as you said!  Just got Henry out and had him fitted with sound.  They put P2 in him because they did not have Black 5 in stock.  Lo and Behold...tender wobbling all over the place!  I will take him back to AIden at Roxley models, what should I tell him?  I am learning that I can do more damage than good when I start taking things apart! 

Also other people get the annoying shorting issue as well when the tender is not quite attached to the loco and something happens with the coupling pick ups?

He's a nice loco in the way that he is not tender driven but they seem to have cobbled together the motorised body with a tender that was designed for a motor but has no motor!!  I guess it feels quite nice and weighty at least!  :-)

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  • 3 months later...

Mar Mallard, if you would like me to post an image of the wonky tender wheels on R9292 Henry's tender wheels, then please ask me. I am happy to do this for you. You will then be able to see what you are looking for, when you do bring Henry out of the box. 😀


GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

Resurrecting ancient history here GNR-Gordon but yes if you could post a picture I would be most grateful.  The tender does run wonky occasionally but I cannot see that the tyres are loose on the wheels.  Thanks!

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