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Problem with control knobs on Elite


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Dear Forum members, maybe somebody recognizzes the following and has an idea on what is going on.

After powering up the layout and the Elite has fully started up, I press controller 1, loc button, select loco XYZ and press controller 1 again. The I press controller 2, loc button, select loco ABC and press xontroller 2 again. Then, when I select contoller 1 (or 2, it happens on both) and turn up the speed, nothing happens, no train running and no black bars appearing on the speed dial. To get that Loco to run, I have to select it on on the other controller, turn the dial (train starts moving and black bars show up on the  speed dial), If I then select that loco again on the controller where nothing happened, I see black bars on the speed dial and the loco speed responds to turning the knob. This can happen on both controller 1 and 2, with locomotive. I have not yet tested what happens if I use the Select to start the non starting loco.

Any ideas??

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Hi Ronald

I just tried that exactly as you wrote it and no problem seen.....

Allocated loco 47 to channel 1 and loco 20 to channel 2. Go back to 47 and increase speed, put sound and lights on OK.

Go to loco 20 ditto.

Transfer control to Select Walkabout and turn off functions, stop loco, etc  for each loco without any problem. Speed changes from Select  and function indicator all reflect back onto Elite screen.




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Hi Rob, It is something that happens every now and then, not always. When one of the Elite's control channels has "fallen asleep", the only way to wak it up is to control the loc address involved on the other channel and then take it back on the initial channel. Reselecting it on the original channel does not help. Maybe it is something particular for my Elite. It is something I noticed only recently. I certainly never observed this before updating to 1.44. Will run a selftest to see if all knobs work tonight.

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Selftest passed without errors (I recently did a factory reset to get rid of an extended eprom error that popped up during a self test before). Tonight no issues. I'll keep the reset in mind as a last resort, having to redo all my favourites again.

Thanks all for the advice.

If I may jump to another question. Is there a method to influence the order in which decodeer addresses pass by when selecting a loco only from the favourites? My elite goes 3->44->31->16->1769. I also have the impression, after selecting one, the order changes.

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Hi Ronald, very sneaky hiding a new question at the bottom of your success achieved reply to the original topic, unfortunately a good way to get no reply from those skim reading.  Always better to start a new topic in a new thread with a descriptive title, like The Order of Elite Favorites in this instance.


Then again, now I’ve bumped the thread, someone with the answer is more likely to notice.  You could also do a forum search as I’m sure it has been covered recently. 

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As the original question seems to be reasonably well answered I will answer the hidden question as well.


I think but i’m only guessing that the listing appears in the order the locos were originally selected, same as the ESC browse list does. It may be possible to ‘shuffle’ the list by un-favouriting a loco and adding it back in in the right place. The list should cycle round in the new order.



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