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New to dcc


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I am in the process of starting a new dcc layout for my grandson , and myself lol ,.

I want to have two ovals connected by points for crossover purposes from each oval.

What ,if anything ,do I have to do to the points to make the whole layout "live".

I have been reading up on dcc and am slightly confused when it comes to the points scenario.

Hope I have made myself clear.




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Read Chapter 6 of my downloadable "Getting Started, including Track Expansion Packs" PDF document. It is downloadable from the sticky post with the same name at the top of the 'General Discussion' forum.

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All you need is to use part No R8232 clips on each point ... they look like staples ... Go to Youtube and you will find demos on how to fit them ... simples !


I was surprised to see these ‘staples’ appear in an old Triang points document. Obviously nothing new in this world.


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The proper clips are spring steel. A standard staple is unlikely to give a long term robust solution. Personally, I wouldn't even bother with the clips whether that be the official Hornby ones or not. IMO, it is much better to provide additional DCC connections on each side of the point. Preferably, soldered DCC droppers to rails.

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