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R6888TTS Vent Van - Functions

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Thanks to searching for related threads in this forum, I have managed to successfully setup a new R6888TTS Vent Van  😆

I have it parked up under an engine shed and I'm really pleased with the 3 channels of atmospheric sound effects that it creates. It fills the room with the sound well, just what I wanted  😀 (although I had it in my head that there was going to be a seaside sound, but that's not the case).

My question, (there had to be one!) I've got sound functions F0 to F25 all setup and working fine (if reading this don't forget to add "on/off" to the end of the sound descriptions for the looping / random looping sounds, so they stay on until switched off. e.g. "Grinder on/off") BUT, using Railmaster with eLink how can I access and control F26 to F28?

Its looking like F25 is the limit for Railmaster???

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Disappointed, I see from this "Update" thread


that the Function limit is (still) 25. Disappointing, as the Vent Van would have been talked about most of the year within Hornby, so the lack of update in Railmaster by December 2018 indicates nothing will be forth coming?? ☹️


Therefore the 3 signal box sounds are impossible to hear if you use the Hornby eLink / Railmaster  ☹️ 😢 ☹️

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I don't know if this will work, but it might be worth a try. How about creating a one-line program for each function, like this ...



Try typing in the description, replacing Desc26 by whatever you want to call it, adding the on/off only if necessary. I don't know whether such a program would work without F26 being defined in the loco database, but I think it's worth trying. If the program does work, you can repeat the process for F27-28, then if you want to, add 3 buttons to your layout and assign each one to each program.



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Ray in theory that should work as the functionality is in the decoder and all you have to do is get RM to send the binary for that extra function(s).


You could just wait for the next RM update due out by Xmas that will include both the vent van by R-number and support for those extra functions.


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Thanks Ray, just tried adding this to a program and it works!  😀

Bit of a pain having to add to a program but I've now heard the signal box sounds F26,27,28 for the first time  😉

Hoping that Railmaster will get the update though to add these extra functions as part of the "normal" functionality.

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I like the 'atmospheric' sounds but think the signal box sound is a bit strange. How are you supposed to hear it outside the box. Bit like frying a breakfast  on a shovel which is available on some locos. I can’t hear frying a breakfast  in my kitchen.  😆


Wonder if they'll make one that works on DC. I have a DCC sound loco that does.

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I can confirm that manually adding the extra Fxx: description into a program works fine. I just expanded my vent van demo program like that and it works perfectly.


This all points to where the actual functionality is built in - the loco decoder. The convenience of pulling these down from a menu in RM is just that - convenient. Bear this in mind if something is missing in RM and look for a back door method of doing it until RM catches up.


I wonder if loco detection would work with RM on this basis given suitable sensors and feedback modules.



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Here you go. Sorry about the quality but a quick camera grab to help you out. Dont’t forget to add on/off to the looped sounds.







See other forum discussion about how to access F26-F28 in RM and/or using eLink.



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I wonder if loco detection would work with RM on this basis given suitable sensors and feedback modules.



Yes I was wondering that. Trouble is in the Loco Detection receiver 1 dropdown list, the only choices are "Not used" or "Hornby LDM56". But all the other bits are there - COM port, baud rate etc.



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Thank you Ray for taking the photos!I'll start entering those in so I'm ready to go when I open this particular Christmas present to myself!And no, I won't forget the on/off for looped sounds! And the idea for using a program to access the high-number functions is a great workaround. 

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Thank you Ray for taking the photos!I'll start entering those in so I'm ready to go when I open this particular Christmas present to myself!And no, I won't forget the on/off for looped sounds! And the idea for using a program to access the high-number functions is a great workaround. 



I'll take credit for the program idea, but it was Rob who provided the photos of the instructions.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Papa Noël has delivered my TTS Vent Van. At first I thought it was a dud as I could not get Railmaster to see it on the programming track. I've tried all I know; turning it round; different positions on the track. And I've proved the track is working OK by reading the CVs of another loco on it.


I placed the Vent Van on a piece of ordinary track and was able to play the sounds (I'd set up a loco for default control address 3). So it's working OK.


Any ideas, please as to how I can solve the programming issue (I only have Railmaster and ELink)? The only reason to program it, is to change from the default of 3 and, maybe, to change volumes. But I would really like to change from address 3 in case I need to use it in a situation like this in the future! Thanks 

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Vent Van is not yet listed as an entity in RM yet but you can list it just like any other new loco including listing the functions. and then change its ID to what ever you want.


I had to do this with my lot for a demo recently. 


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Vent Van is not yet listed as an entity in RM yet but you can list it just like any other new loco including listing the functions. and then change its ID to what ever you want.


I had to do this with my lot for a demo recently. 


Rob. I can't change the ID unless I can access it on the programming track. I have entered all the sounds in manually and I have also created the programmes as suggested for accessing those last three sounds which are out of range of Railmaster at present. 

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If you have listed it and all its functions, then with it on the programming track (connected to eLink Prog terminals) call up the van in your loco list, select it and then press the icon for change loco ID, which I thnk is a loco at loco screen bottom, enter the new ID and finish up. The van with its new ID should show up in the loco and throttle list. Select and to read the new one.


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