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Elite Fault when connecting USB.


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I purchased an Elite on Friday after weeks of deliberation. I know its not the best but it does appear to be the cheapest way of connecting a PC to a layout. Having paid my £160 I got it home and fired her up, it seemed to be all OK, although for some

reason the power button only turned the unit on- the power cord had to be disconnected as the off button did not shut it down.

I had bought mine from a reputable model shop and it appeared to have been in stock for a while as the Firmware needed updating.

I read the instructions online regarding shutting it down and holding the stop button whilst powering back up etc, etc. However, as soon as I connected the USB cable the screen started to ink in every place it could and the lights on the right of it started

to flash erratically. I disconnected both USB and Power cord and it never worked again!

As there is no stock left in the shop they have had to re-order from Hornby and they apparently aren't expecting any in until 06/02/2012. Not the best start to my

hornby experience!

Has anyone else had similar issues? I'm worried about now connecting the USB to the next unit, although the model shop have agreed to try it before I take it away!
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No, at the time I connected it was only to update the Firmware, there was no layout connected so I had complete manipulation of the unit and could see exactly which socket I was connecting.

In answer to the other questions, after it light up like

an xmas tree it turned off and never turned back on. Completely dead. The shop tried it on return and still dead. They kindly gave me a basic loan controller as I had bought my first dcc sound loco too. Perfect timing for the elite to die!!

No point

in trying another USB as after it failed- there was no power at all, with or without USB. The USB cable in question did work another device with no bother so can only assume it was fine. The shop has returned it but they don't know whether it will be replaced

or repaired. I work in quality and have a wide experience of items manufactured in china. Lets just say they keep me in a job!! Consequently, I have a biased opinion on their production abilities!

What tops it all off today is that due to 'a payment

issue' my £450 bill at the model shop was charged twice, once the payment was sent and the second causes cash to be 'reserved' so my available balance is reduced by the same amount- £450. Just what you need on the 1st of the month when direct debits are due

and 2 weeks from payday! An expensive hobby gets more so if you have to ensure you have double the amount available all the time!! Apparently this does occur and the merchants can hold a reserve of funds for up to 7 days. Not my fault, not the banks fault

as they blame the shop, the shop contact their 'gateway' provider and they claim there is no reserve. Round and round in circles I go, much like my train may have done if everything had worked!

I would cry but I can't afford tissues!

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I presume you paid with a debit card.
If using a credit card you are protected and would have been able to contact them and get them to sort it out without any associated costs being penalised upon you.
Its not your fault the shops system

b*ll*xed up the payment so why should you suffer.
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