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decoders for zero1


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I used to use the Zero 1 back in late 70s early 80s - Till I sold my layout to pay for deposint on our current house.But I kept all the Zero bits and I am restarting to get ready to build another layout as teh morguage is now all paid for :) :) But I dont want to goto DCC - I have looked into it, but my old Zero 1's will do the job that I want :) :) I just hope I can remember how to use it all :) :) Have 15 controllers, 29 slave controllers, 11 walk around controllers, 20 midi panels, about 40 Zero 1 chips and countless other items :) :) In fact am thinking about creating a Hornby Zero 1 page on FB - but just not sure if enough interest, for those like me coming back, those that gained a wealth of useful information and anyone who finds there way to go down the Zero 1 route :) :) If any one has any spares, I am always on the lookout :) :) but will have to wait till January now as Skint 

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That must be a record, pulling up a seven years old post.


There are some zero-1 fans on the forums so you will get a sensible response when they spot the post.


That is a remarkable range of kit you have which in itself must be some sort of a record.


A FB page sounds like a great idea. I have some standard zero-1 documentation but I reckon you probably have more than anyone else.

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To be honest didnt look at the dates, was just glad to see some posts about the Zero 1 :) :) 

Fingers crossed people see it and willing to pass on there experiences :) :) 

That is just a small part of teh zero 1 controllers I have, let alone all th eother items :) :) 

I will look at creating one over Xmas, Time permitting :) :)  - Would be grate to have an area were theres nothing but Zero 1 related items :) :)   - and everything all together :) :) 

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@mr Creature

I think it is very unlikely that a Separate Section would be provided for Zero 1, despite the fact that some members still use that standard.


However, if you do raise any threads on Zero 1, please ensure that the title Includes Zero 1 (preferably with a Space before the 1), which will make future searches easier to find.


For interest, I tried a search on Zero 1 and it found 10 threads and Zero1 found a further 5 threads.

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@mr Creature

I think it is very unlikely that a Separate Section would be provided for Zero 1, despite the fact that some members still use that standard.


However, if you do raise any threads on Zero 1, please ensure that the title Includes Zero 1 (preferably with a Space before the 1), which will make future searches easier to find.


For interest, I tried a search on Zero 1 and it found 10 threads and Zero1 found a further 5 threads.

I will create one on Facebook :) :) 

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Sounds interesting... I still have the main controller and 3 slaves plus much more in decoders and modules.

I doubt I will ever get them used again but I did test them roughly three years back and all worked which was a bonus.

I did remove all Zero 1 modules etc. from all my stock so it is all standalone now and the stock converted to DCC which was fun but took a while. The lights in the coaches for the HST were a bit bright being the normal super large bulbs compared to modern LEDs and I still have the foil strips that were used to stick the wires and bulbs to the coach roofs. I do believe I still have the 'bulky' pickups too.

The main issue with the Zero 1 even back in the 80's was the sizes of the controllers... compared to the modern controllers they're a tad large but did a fab job running the layouts.

My only regret is that I didn't manage to get the display panels... never mind. I'm looking forward to your link for this page MC...

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  • 2 weeks later...

You can get loads on Ebay - even NOS - remember the H & M ones are the better ones to get, but they go for a premium price..You can get a load of Pre-used ones either singually of in bulk lots, best deal I have had so far was 35 decoaders for £6.99 inc Postage :) :) Upon Testing there was only 1 faulty decoader amnog them.But I have loads of Zero 1 Items as I have them on Pernament Search on Ebay. As I know getting parts is almost impossible, so if an item goes faulty - I reemove teh faulty item and thro it awy if it cant be repaired, and grab another one :) :) But bewarned - some sellers seem to think Zro 1 items are worth lots of money ! and you will see them re-listed again and again, until they catch someone who dont know what they are buying !!!I am so far into Zero 1 and it does everything I need and want, That altho I have looked into changing to DCC I just can not justify the expense.Even Now I find some documentaion, that I dont have, and often not a month goes buy, when I dont learn anything :) :)   

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You may like to post the link to it here when you have it set up Mr C

Well its finally setup and open to public, but I have not had time to add anything else to it just yet :) :) 


So come along all you Zero 1 current and past users and help me to fill this page up will loads of really useful information, Pics, vids Scanned in Manuals, Hints n Tips ECT :) :) 



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