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Hornby Class 40 DCC


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I am new to DCC.

I have just acquired a Bachmann Dynamis Ultima Controller which operates correctly with my Hornby DCC trains, except the Class 40 which is unresponsive on the track.

The Class 40 moves using a standard Hornby controller.

Is there a special configuration process required for the Class 40?




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If the 40 is a TTS equipped loco then physically turn it round on the track and see if it responds.

If so the TTS decoder may need reprogramming by Hornby.

There was lots of discussion on RMWeb forum about these controllers.


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Are you sure the 40 has a DCC decoder in it? If it runs with a 'standard controller' (I take that to be an analogue one), I'd suspect the lack of a chip.


Yes! It says so on the box and I have now opened the locamotive to check so both the sound chip and the decoder are in place.


I found a posting by GBRf66701 at rmweb.co.uk reporting the same problem which another member managed to solve, however, I don't understand from what they say what the solution was.


Many thanks for your respnse!



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If the 40 is a TTS equipped loco then physically turn it round on the track and see if it responds.

If so the TTS decoder may need reprogramming by Hornby.

There was lots of discussion on RMWeb forum about these controllers.


Yes! It says so on the box and I have now opened the locamotive to check so both the sound chip and the decoder are in place.


Coincidentally, I found a posting by GBRf66701 at rmweb.co.uk reporting the same problem which another member managed to solve, however, I don't understand from what they say what the solution was....but thier conversation implies a method of adressing the locamotive.


Many thanks for your response!



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Just to reiterate one of the suggestions made by Rob in an earlier reply. The significance of which may have slipped you by. So I have repeated it again with a little more detail as to why the question was asked by Rob.


Although you still have not categorically stated that your problematic loco is a TTS loco, from what you have written so far, this is a distinct possibility. There were a batch of TTS decoders that were later found to have control issues with some non Hornby DCC controllers (this includes your Dynamis controller). Hornby have raised an administration post about this issue....a link to this post is replicated below.


One way of confirming as to whether the TTS loco you have is affected by this issue, is to lift off the loco off the track, rotate it though 180°, put it back on the track facing the other way and try controlling it again. If there is now some response, possibly limited. Then your TTS decoder needs a free firmware upgrade by Hornby as documented in the link below:




Even if rotating the loco to face the other way makes no difference, it is still worthwhile following the Hornby administrator guidance in the linked post above.

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@Applecross...........have you tried resetting the decoder by writing 8 to CV08?.......presumably you use a seperate programming track......this will, of course, reset the address back to 03 but once you are satisfied that the loco is responding correctly you can re-address it to you required number.......HB

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