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Points problem


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Hello, My problem is that my DCC Select controller "overloads". The problem tends to happen when I have a loco going over points. Sometimes the loco slows right down and when it travels over the points the controller "overloads". I unplug the controller from the mains and replug it 30 seconds later but it still flashes "OL". 

I had the controller checked in my local Hornby supplier. They replaced the condenser or it could have been a capacitor. It was tested there and worked correctly. 

Back at home I ran the locos on my lay-out perfectly until it happened again as the loco went over the points. I had a look at the points and I realised I had added points clips to it for DCC control. So today I removed the clips and the controller worked correctly.

Can anybody explain what's wrong? Is it me? It usually is!

I use DCC fitted locos using whatever code number I've given them and non DCC locos using 001 on the controller. I have a siding and use Points without DCC clips so I can run the non DCC controlled locos into it. Otherwise the rest of my Points have DCC clips so I can run the DCC locos into other sidings.

I have 5 sets of pointswith DCC clips and 1 set of points without DCC clips. 




PS Catweasel was right many years ago on tv when he said "electricity" should be called "electrickery".

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More importantly (although nothing to do with your reported issue) I cannot stress enough that you risk damaging your non DCC locos running them with your Select using address zero. Not sure why you say you are using address 1, it should be address zero for DC Analogue control - see manual extract below.


I know it says you can do it in the Select manual. But the Select manual also says "However this practice is not recommended". It is the 'old adage' just because you can do something, does not necessarily mean that it is a good idea.




The issue of using Address zero with DC Analogue locomotives is well understood and documented extensively. It is just not me being paranoid. Many on here will also advise you not to do it.


Review this article written by Mark Gurries, he is a member of the NMRA (National Model Railway Association) the group that develops the DCC standards, so this is coming straight from the horses mouth.




Back to your reported issue for a moment.


Your post infers that your layout was originally a DC Analogue one and updated to DCC. As well as fitting DCC point clips, did you also ensure that your power track / power clips were changed from DC Analogue to DCC friendly versions. The DC Analogue power tracks / power clips have suppression capacitors that affect DCC signals and can in certain conditions cause the Select controller to show the OL display. These capacitors need to be removed form DC power track / clips for DCC working or the track / clip replaced completely for the DCC version [R8241 or R8242].



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Hi Chrissaf,

You've warned me before about running non DCC locos with a DCC controller. I appreciate your advice and from now I will take heed of your advice and end that practice! Is it OK to run non DCC locos with the analogue controller and, on the same lay-out use my DCC controller to run those locos that have DCC codes until I can raid my piggy bank to get all my locos set up for DCC control.By the way I was using 01 to control non DCC locos as you point out.

I will look into your advice regarding my frustrating continued problem, and thank you for your help.

Once again, thank you for your help.



















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Is it OK to run non DCC locos with the analogue controller and, on the same lay-out use my DCC controller to run those locos that have DCC


Not at the same time. Only connect one controller at a time to the track, even if switched off, it is not a good idea to have the DC controller connected across the DCC track when the DCC controller is live and also attached.

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Thanks Chrissaf, At the moment, because it's stuck on "OL" the Select DCC controller is firmly switched off and I'm using just the analogue controller but using it to control only non DCC Fitted locos. I found out the hard way not to use an analogue controller for running DCC locos!

As ever thanks for your help.



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Hi Chrissaf,

You've warned me before about running non DCC locos with a DCC controller.

I appreciate your advice and from now I will take heed of your advice.

By the way I was using 01 to control non DCC locos as you point out.


Chris said that loco address zero is the only address you can use to run one and only one DC loco on a DCC track. This was clear in his extract from the user manual. How you can get a DC loco to respond to address 1 is beyond the NMRA rules and regs and DCC science..

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Just noticed that slowshunter put - Select DCC controller is firmly switched off and I'm using just the analogue controller

Does he mean that his Select controller is still wired to the track, even though the power to it is turned off?

If so, force-injecting 12v into the 'track' connectors may have damaged the Select.

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