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Adams Radial


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Seen on another forum.

Text copied below.  Anyone from Hornby wish to comment?


A heads up for HORNBY Adams Radial tank owners

After excellent feedback from a customer, we have checked, and it appears that Hornby have wired this locomotive incorrectly for at least part of the current range. 

We are talking specifically about R3333 and R3334, although others MAY be affected.

The problems: 

(a) The Right-hand pickup wire from the front bogie is wired to Pin 2 instead of pin 8.

(cool.gif The Left-hand pickup wire from the front bogie is wired to Pin 6 instead of Pin 4.

The Result:

On DC, the loco WILL run, but you will have poor pickup quality, so it needs sorting.

On DCC, if you install ANY decoder, it will be destroyed. 

There is a carry-over problem too - Of course, as it is a loco problem, the failure will not be warranty as far as the decoder is concerned �" a REAL issue for modellers as Hornby will then be to blame but they will have no real means of replacing your chosen decoder… A problem in general, and a very BIG problem if its an expensive sound decoder! 

The Fix: 

If you are NOT confident, talk to your retailer about how to proceed.


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I recall this issue was noticed at the time of release so maybe the poster on the other forum had only just come across the issue.

I also remember that my Hornby Adams was a dreadful runner so it was returned to the seller - replaced by the Oxford Rail version.

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Slightly surprised this problem has only now(?) come to light - R3333 was introduced to the market in 2016. 

FB - stupid question, but when your saying "left and right wires" are we looking at the loco "head-on" and upside down?


Left and right doesnt really matter as neither should be connected to any of the inner four pins of an 8-pin socket.


...but left and right are normally designated as viewed from above in the direction of loco travel.

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None of the text in post #1 in italics is my own. It is copied from elsewhere.  It was posted only yesterday 18th February at around mid day on another forum.

Yes, your'e correct about Hornby not overly viewing this forum and perhaps the post #1 question should have been ... Anyone from the Forum or Hornby wish to comment?

If correct, its somewhat worrying though, especially for DCC users. Decoders are not cheap!  Quality control may seriously be lacking somewhere?

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Odd because this was flagged to Hornby in 2016 and festured on RMWeb forum then.



The gist of the problem was the powered front bogie pickups were incorrectly wired to the socket inner pins such that there was no problem operating on analogue but as soon as a decoder was installed there was a short that would kill a decoder.


Hornby sorted the problem and rewired any errant loco returned to works. Only a few examples were affected as indicated by batch checks.


So is this a new event or simply old stock coming to light and the old forum entry being regurgitated.

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I've dug out my Adams Radial R3333, and placed it on the track - it makes a noise, but no movement - also no smoke from a fried decoder. I have now removed the body, the decoder and the screws holding the plug to the chassis. It is very difficult to see what is soldered to what. I will get a magnifying glass to study the underside of the plug and see where the wiring is located. Using the details in FB's original post, I should be able to see where the wires are soldered. This could be fun!

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About the same time (2016 I think), I had the same incorrect wiring problem with a H3237 Caerphilly Castle. It ran fine when running in on analogue, but as soon as I put the DCC decoder in, it immediately fried it. On contacting Hornby CC, they immediately acknowledged that there was a problem with this model and asked me to return it to them. The wiring was corrected, a refund for my postage was sent and a replacement decoder was supplied. Good customer service from Hornby to correct a manufacturing error by their sub-contractor.






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I have now studied the underside of the "plug" and the wiring is as follows:


Orange wire to Pin 1    - Right motor

Orange wire to Pin 8    - Right rail

Black wire to Pin 4       - Left rail

Black wire to Pin 5       - Left motor

Black wire to Pin 2       - Rear Light??????????

Black wire to Pin 6       - Front Light??????????


If I understand FB's post correctly the wires currently attached to Pins 2 & 6 need to be re-attached to Pins 4 & 8 along with the wires already attached to these two pins.  There could be  a slight problem with identifying which black wire  (left or right) from the front bogie, is then the correct black wire at the plug end? 

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I had to rewire my Adam's radial just before xmas.I asked hornby if there was a known issue with the loco and they wouldn't  confirm there was.More important I wanted assurances from hornby that they wouldn't charge me for their  mistake which they would not give.

I must explain this was a purchase from Ebay some time ago .Thankfully there was a post on RM WEB showing how to fix the fault.

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As an update,on that same forum topic and posted yesterday by the same manufacturer / retailer who posted the original text that I copied in my post  #1 of this item, the following has appeared... 

Note the text below are not my words, but those of someone else and is simply a copy and paste of them... 


Yes, its not new as an issue but I was really surprised to find at least two R numbers still in volume stock at a major retailer - and even MORE surprised that Hornby has not done / attempted to do the right thing and recall the locos for modification. Something that really is their responsibility. 2 years is an unbelievably long time to "not realise" - and I'd think a leading brand may actually at least try to lead on such things.I do appreciate the contract sequence in a purchase, and retailers will generally do the right thing, but its still NOT right. The law is written for the general protection of user AND reseller in balance. A "general product failure" like this will persist for a whole beneration of modellers causing havoc along the way as DC locos are handed on the DCC users etc. In the end everyone BUT Hornby pays the price. The reality is that the user usually blames the decoder not the loco and more often than not two decoders will go to their grave before the issue is identified. (We are still seeing users worrying about failures from the initial Hornby class 50 release <with faulty wiring> perhaps a decade ago!)Can't help but think that the industry really needs to draw closer together as a group of equals with common purpose and take better care of itself.Anyway. Heads up to everyone, and for the good of all, please do share this info at your club etc... 

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I have done the re-wire - relatively straightforward using the instructions given above. With just the blanking plug fitted the loco worked very smoothly using the "battery" test across the wheels - but only the bogie wheels. Nothing happens when battery is applied on main drivers. Surely power to any wheels should get some movement? Do I have another problem? I have not fitted a decoder yet.

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Thanks John - but I've had another "play", and fitted a R8249 decoder that I found in the scrap box, programmed it, and the loco ran fairly well. I then replaced the decoder with a TCS DP2X-UK, and it runs like silk - very smooth and quiet. Just need to replace the body and see if it's the same. The "re-wire" was ok after I'd untangled the wire, and as Rob suggested, I used a meter to check that I was attaching the correct wire to it's new terminal. So all good - many thanks all round. BB

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