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Adams Radial


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Great, Barry,  well done. I still think mark ought to know, as the next owner, may not be as Technical  Thank heavens, i  dont own one. It would have been perhaps beyond my simple brain. It seems wrong that stocks still on shelves with this known fault.

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Hi John - Reading through the thread again, it would appear that Hornby were aware there was a problem with "some" not all Adams Radials, and did repair/replace(?) those that were sent back. Mine has been sitting in the cupboard since I bought it in 2016 - although I think I did run it for a short time when I first got it. Having said that, from what has been said, it should have fried the decoder straight away - but it didn't. Barry

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I think I spoke to soon!  On the rolling-road, under DCC power and with body off, it ran beautifully. smooth and the slow running was very impressive. I put the body back on, placed it on the track, and it's a nightmare, to say it runs jerkily is an understatement. So body will be off later, and some investigating to do. 

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...Or is it pressing the decoder onto something metal or shorting a wire. What about the purple flying lead on the R8249, is it capped and stowed along with any wires cropped for a hard wire installation.


I wish every model came with a clear plastic body or an X-ray app for your phone.

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Rob/Brian - I hadn't screwed the body down hard - usually once I feel the resistance when replacing the screws I stop. The TCS decoder is just a plug-in, so no wires. I did try pressing down on the decoder when it was on the rolling-road, but everything was fine. There is no capacitor to remove. I'll try again without replacing the screws. Barry

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Sorry BB I missread an earlier post that was talking to R8249.

I wonder if the body is just displacing the direct plug decoder enough to affect it, but more likely its a metal contact problem, maybe under the socket.

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