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Laisdcc issues


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Hello I'm very new here and am just looking for some help I've purchased some laisdcc 21 pin decoders to run in my locos as they're much cheaper, but my Hornby select (1.5 firmware) doesn't appear to be to work with them. It seems like the chip correctly registers the loco address (set to 03) but when I try to make the loco move or operate it's functions it doesn't work.

Does anybody know why or have a solution for this? 

Many thanks

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Hi Deviousweegee


Like yourself I am experimenting with these LAISDCC decoders although I use the 8 pin variaty... 

They are proving pretty good considering they are cheap but they have specific differences in CV control which may be giving you a problem on the SELECT because you may have to reset the decoder which is CV 8 = 4 !! not the Hornby and others standard which I think I am right in thinking  is CV 8 = 8

Check their website ........ there is a LAISDCC CVlist .

Will a SELECT reset a decoder CV ? it may only reset to 8. !!!  ..... I don't know .... someone I am sure will come along with their SELECT knowledge .

Good Luck.


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the select will not reset a decoder,weegee try cleaning your track and press gently on the loco whilst programming , how many times does the led flash ?

double check that the decoder is in it's socket correctly 

the select does not "register a decoder" ,it goes to 03 by default 

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When v1.6 firmware is made available the Select will be able to change all CVs up to 255. Hence a decoder reset will be possible by writing the required value to CV8.


Hornby stated at the recent Scottish Show that they were gearing up for a v1.6 update campaign (at some cost unless you have just had v1.5 installed I guess).

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the select will not reset a decoder,weegee try cleaning your track and press gently on the loco whilst programming , how many times does the led flash ?

double check that the decoder is in it's socket correctly 

the select does not "register a decoder" ,it goes to 03 by default 

Thanks for the advice I'll give this a try. It flashes 3-4 times

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Also, for best results, disconnect the Select completely from the main layout track and connect it directly to a short track piece that you dedicate for programming work. This is more efficient than removing all your rolling stock from the main layout before undertaking a programming task and reduces the risk of induced interference on the main track from affecting the programming signal.

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.....is there anything else I can try?


A cheaper option than RailMaster / eLink, would be to buy a 'SPROG II v3' at about £45 and download (free) JMRI DecoderPro. This combination will program and configure just about every DCC decoder known to man. The one negative caveat is that DecoderPro software is not for the faint hearted....it potentially can be a steep learning curve if one is not used to using sophisticated DCC software products. I have a 'SPROG II v3' with JMRI as well as RailMaster with Elite. Just be aware that the 'SPROG II v3' is designed primarily as a DCC programming interface. It can be switched into 'operations mode', but this is meant to be just for testing your newly implemented DCC configuration. It is not meant to be used as a full blown layout controller. But it could potentially be used for that if its output was fed through a DCC Booster.


Note that later this year a Hornby interface will be launched (Select-a-Link) that will allow the Select to be controlled by RailMaster. This may or may not offer you a solution to your issue. I suppose it depends whether your current issue is an issue with your Select hardware itself or not.

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Just an idea but do you have a friendly local model shop with a DCC layout / and / or a good controller like an Elite ? 

Maybe they could / would program and test the decoder / loco for you at low cost ?


Thanks I'll make a few calls and see if they're interested

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Seeing as you are havng problems with TTS decoders as well (separate thread) then I suggest yuo reset the Select controller using the method shown in the v1.5 manual downloadable from the main Hornby site downloads area.


Often a controller reset (as opposed to a decoder reset which your Select cannot do yet) will cure all manner of ills.

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Seeing as you are havng problems with TTS decoders as well (separate thread) then I suggest yuo reset the Select controller using the method shown in the v1.5 manual downloadable from the main Hornby site downloads area.


Often a controller reset (as opposed to a decoder reset which your Select cannot do yet) will cure all manner of ills.

Thanks for the advice, I tried this and it just gave the same results unfortunately

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to update the people on this thread. I believe I supplied these chips, they have been returned to myself and we have refunded the customer. We have had all the chips on test on a ESU test board and and in a Bachmann 66 and the chips work perfectly. 

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...We have had all the chips on test on a ESU test board and and in a Bachmann 66 and the chips work perfectly. 


Using which controller(s)...

Folk have reported on other forums about problems getting Liaisdcc decoders to work with some controllers, even some with NMRA warrants.


As you are obviously a distributor for these decoders would you know if the latest versions of these decoders are Liaisdcc own design or copies of other makes as the originals were found to be copies by TCS.


Please be aware that forum rules prevent you from actively promoting the product but not from defending it.

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Thanks Rich

Devious - if you download the RM demo and look in the force deocder drop down list in CV7 you will see if your Liaisdcc decoder is supported. If so it should work with Select as well.


As Rich says it may be a loco problem, can you swap it into another loco you know is good.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Thanks Rich

Devious - if you download the RM demo and look in the force deocder drop down list in CV7 you will see if your Liaisdcc decoder is supported. If so it should work with Select as well.


As Rich says it may be a loco problem, can you swap it into another loco you know is good.

Hi sorry for late reply, been busy


How do I connect my select to RM and I also tried the chip in a Bachmann 70 with same result.



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I don't particularly want to put words in Rob's mouth, but I think you might have slightly mistook what he was saying. I think he was referring to a metaphorical download of RM. In other words, if you were theoretically to download an evaluation copy of RM and open the decoder list. You would find the Laisdcc chip listed. Therefore it is logical to assume that Hornby support for the Laisdcc chip extends across the Hornby controller range, including the Select. He was not I believe suggesting that you actually downloaded RM and tried to connect it to your Select.


RM support for the Select is however due for release later this year via the 'Select-a-link" cable and this release is timed to coincide with Select firmware release version 1.6.


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I fitted one of these to my Bachman EMU and found it worked perfectly. The only issue I had was initially installing it, but that was more to do with the 21 pin arrangement, I am more used to 8. I am using an Elite. I did have issues with fitting one in a Hornby Schools, where I didn't think it had sufficient drive to power the motor, but I think that it was more an issue with the loco.

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  • 11 months later...

I use Laisdcc 6-pin, 8-pin, 21-pin and Next18 decoders with Prodigy Advance2 and have no problems at all. Just got to know you way around the Laisdcc CV Table and no problems. Their user instructions which are downloadable are not in the best English though. They remind me of the old joke when the Chinese waiter asked the customer if he liked his steak and the customer replied, "It was rubbery", to which the Chinese waiter replied, "I'm grad ru riked it."

Back EMF CVs are different to a lot of mainstream but you can get better info from TCS as Laisdcc decoders are basically a Hong-Kong 'knock-off' of TCS decoders. TCS were, or maybe still are, pursuing litigation against Laisdcc. The Select is not the best of DCC controllers as it is very basic and doesn't let you do much with CVs.

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So what is your question or are you just giving us the benefit of your experience.


Your posting history doesn’t ask many questions either but you do seem to have ‘issues‘ with a lot of products.


By the way if you get your Select updated to v1.6 it will be able to change all CVs for any supported value including your Liaisdcc ‘knock-offs’ - your words.

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 The Select is not the best of DCC controllers as it is very basic and doesn't let you do much with CVs.

Unless you have the Select upgraded by Hornby at a cost of £15. The latest Firmware v1.6 (v2.0 on a new Select) enables access to all the major CVs notably CV29. This upgrade makes the Select a very capable DCC controller........HB

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One of the things I will add to this post, is from my experience (may be different to other peoples), the decoder doesn't work that well with a "dodgy" track signal. When I have fitted the 8 pin variety to locos without decent "pickups" they sometimes, when they lose the signal, on occasions made the loco go in the opposite direction to that programmed. I tend to use the 21 pin versions on Bachmann Diesels and EMUs because these have decent pickups and so far have had no issues with them going backwards. Another couple of uses for them, is as function decoders as they are so cheap or something you use to test out the wiring of the DCC socket, as in my case where you have converted an old loco. It is much better to damage a £10 decoder, than a £20+ one. I have used the 8 pin types in DMUs where you need one for the opposite end to switch on the lights, again why waste an expensive one, when you are not going to use any of the motor drive facilities. In my case I don't really mess with CV values, all I want is a decoder to drive the loco, so for me as long as they don't go backwards they are perfect in the 21 pin variety. 

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