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A model museum move

Phil Peterson

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I enjoyed this article as my local club did a similar thing over 10 years ago with the Hill Aerospace Museum near Hill AFB, Utah.

Because of the number of aircraft we went with 1/144th scale for our builds and where kits weren't available some of the club scratchbuilt them.  Our lead on the project was a Docent at the museum and he did actually make the buildings after the fact.




After the staff got done using it to reposition some displays they ended up putting it on display in the museum itself.  Including a proposed new building which still hasn't been built.


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  • 2 years later...

Wow - missed this until now. This is an idea I had for Jet Age at Staverton - where I'm a volunteer.

1/72 scale representation of the floor area, with models of our aircraft in their positions.

Used for outreach purposes at model shows and other events.

The floorspace has been replaced with a tailored piece of board, and not all aircraft are in their true colours.


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