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RailMaster Version 1.70 now available on the download link

Guest Chrissaf

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Regarding the actual text of what is being displayed on the forum page. It was only through continued lobbying of Corporate Hornby that we got what is there at the moment. RM is managed by HRMS who are a Hornby sub-contractor. So not only is it relatively difficult to get the text on the forum page updated (we have to rely on Hornby administration to actually physically make the change, not HRMS. If the ComMods had page editing rights, then we would be more than happy to keep that page entry 100% up to date with every change), but what makes it doubly awkward is that HRMS themselves issue revised updated files without any (accurately maintained) revision numbering scheme, which in itself has been a long standing 'bone of contention'.


If you hover the mouse cursor over the Version Number in the little yellow box in the bottom right hand corner of RailMaster, near the clock. A little 'pop-up' appears with the Revision number (currently showing Revision 1) making the version number 1.70.1. But HRMS continually release new RM software releases without always updating that Revision number. In my mind, a lack of BS 6701 standards 'Quality Control' adherence.


The actual file name "rm_setup.exe" has to remain the same for reasons of 'finding the file' consistency. If the file name changed, then pre-saved bookmarks would return '404 Page Not Found' errors. The filename is also documented in the RM related manuals, so the manuals would also need continually updating with each version release if you included the revision number in the file name. I guarantee that these changes would not get included in the manuals with each new release. Not only that, but that file name is configured into RM itself as part of the 'auto-update' routine. So a constant change of file name would more than likely 'break' that functionality too.


So I suppose you are asking yourself the question, in my daily checks, how do I know if there has been a new version issued since the preceding day. Simples.....I keep a database of the exact installer file size. If I see a change in the number of reported bytes of the file, then I download the installer and investigate it further for changes. I have been doing this for so long, that I have got the process of file checking down to a 'fine art' and only takes minutes to complete.

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I have suggested to Admin that the header be amended to say only that this is the latest update, no version numner and no date, but so far the suggestion has been ignored.

HRMS has been heavily criticised in the past on the forum for not abiding by industry standards with regard to incremental software updates. E.g. V1.70.1.1 denoting alpha or beta or release issue. At present if you hover over the version number at screen bottom it shows vers 1 of V1.70.

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I have suggested to Admin that the header be amended to say only that this is the latest update, no version number and no date, but so far the suggestion has been ignored.


What a short memory you have Rob......that's how it used to be, but that caused other issues....and a campaign was then launched to have some indication of release status added....which Hornby agreed to.

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I have suggested to Admin that the header be amended to say only that this is the latest update, no version number and no date, but so far the suggestion has been ignored.


What a short memory you have Rob......that's how it used to be, but that caused other issues....and a campaign was then launched to have some indication of release status added....which Hornby agreed to.


No recall of that at all, must have bodded off for a moment.

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check your ini file to see if the update added a full controllers= n line at the bottom of the file.

if so move it up so it looks like the screen grab I posted a page or so back. 



We don’t know why it works but having the correct lines at the bottom of the file is essential.

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Just in case Rob's reply is a bit too cryptic for you. Go back to page 12 of this thread and look at my post timestamp 10:09 Wed 13th March. Read my post you will find there and follow the link posted within it.

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After writing my reply above. I too decided to take the plunge and update RM from 1.69.2 to 1.70.1 (I am using RM with an Elite 1.44).


Like you.....it has not gone well, and following my own advice about .INI file entries has not fixed it.


In summary, when my RM starts it passes all the start up version and Elite comms checks (no error messages), but Elite comms fails after the very first point operation (I have the check box for set points at start up ticked). Then looking in 'System Settings' only Com 1 is listed (my Elite uses Com 3 or Com 4 depending upon which physical port I am plugged into). The only way I can recover control is to unplug my Elite and plug it into a different physical USB port (both USB2.0). However, this fix doesn't stick and shutting down and restarting RM starts the whole issue off all over again.


I have used the integrated RM 'Support Request' to report my issue and have at this time only recieved the 'auto acknowledgement' mail. I suggest you report your issue too. The more users that report this comms problem, the more likelihood of a more permanent fix.


Other's have reverted back to 1.69.2 as their fix, but the issue I see with that is that if the underlying comms issue is not fixed now, it will find its way into subsequent further releases too. Thus, those affected by this are likely to be stuck on version 1.69.2 forever.

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As an update to my last reply........I have found a 'workaround' that does not require swapping leads in USB ports and selecting com ports number in menus. It is not ideal, I would rather see the core issue fixed, but I have found that it consistently works as a 'short term' workaround.


Basically I have found that if I power up my Elite with the Elite USB lead unplugged from the RM Laptop. Then start RM so that it generates the 'Cannot find controller' error message where it asks you to unplug and re-plug the USB lead.


Then and only then do I plug in the Elite into the USB2.0 port that I normally use (Com3 in my case) and click the 'Green' tick in the communication error message.


I then get a 'Controller is being initialised' message. After which my 'Set points at startup' routine runs successfully and leaves the Elite connected in a working state.


The 'key' seems to be to get this manually invoked 'Controller being initialised' task to run. This seems to indicate that the 1.70 RM release has broken something that affects the background task that must (I would assume) normally run at start up that initialises the controller.

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It is very strange that some are having issues with 1.70 and others not.


I had more connection issues with 1.69 with very often getting a message that RM had detected that my controller was an elink when I have never had an elink.


Since updating to 1.70 this has not happened again and all connects perfectly each time .


Leaves me wondering what differences could be causing some PC and RM setups not to work and others to be OK.


Work that out and you will hold the solutions to life itself.



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Chris’s workaround wouldn’t have been very convenient on my old layout as the PC was buried under the bench and the control panel with the two controllers had holes for the USB cables into the controllers such that unplugging and replugging would have been major disruption, not something I would have be keen to do on a daily basis. I had both my controllers and PC on remote controller plugs as the sockets were inconvenient for manual switching and that method worked well for years,,,until now.


Is there anyone who is using an Elite and an eLink with the latest version of RM that is seeing double comms failure or either one only and if so which one.


I recently reported I had got RM comms working again but after Chris’s new experience I am loath to try RM again for fear of it all falling over again.

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On the afternoon of Friday 8th March, and I think it was the first release of 1.70, RM lost contact with the Elite which in my case was attached to COM4. Looking in Device Manager there was no entry at all for COM4. I had been obeying the RM message of disconnecting the USB cable from the Elite, waiting 5 seconds, reconnecting and trying again, but without success. I rebooted (cold) the pc, to no avail. But then I switched everything off power-wise, including the Elite. I booted the pc up with the Elite disconnected, and opened up Device Manager. I plugged in the Elite and, yes, COM4 reappeared. I checked its properties and the baud rate was set to 9600 instead of 19200 so I changed that, brought up RM and everything was fine. Since then there has been no re-occurrence of this.


I posted this back on page 14 on March 13th, and I can say that I've had no problems with my RM-Elite connection since then. Here is an Image of information from Device Manager - maybe someone can spot something different in my setup to those who are having problems...




Is there any more of this information which could be helpful? I don't know how to find out what version of USB my COM4 port is on - if someone can show me, I'll report that back.



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I note that you mention the original 8th March 1.70 version.


Have you subsequently downloaded and installed the 11th March 1.70.1 version. It is this later version that seems to have the bulk of the comms issues.


PS - I did check my baud rates and they match at 19200.


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I note that you mention the original 8th March 1.70 version.


Have you subsequently downloaded and installed the 11th March 1.70.1 version. It is this later version that seems to have the bulk of the comms issues.


PS - I did check my baud rates and they match at 19200.



Hi Chris,


Yes I am definitely using the latest version 1.70.1  Date Modified 11 March 2019 Size 18,624,512 bytes



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I just had a glitch with my RM-Elite comms, but it didn't haapen at the start of session. I had been running my schedule of RM programs, without a problem, for about 30 minutes. Then I noticed one of the programs wasn't behaving as it should - the train it was running was supposed to accelerate away from the station to a cruising speed, but it only reached about half this speed then stayed at this speed. On examining the main screen, the green status box was lit constantly and the main clock was only changing every 6 seconds. Eventually, I got a message saying that communication with the controller had been lost, to unplug the USB cable, wait 10 seconds, plug it in again, then click the tick. This didn't work so I closed down RM and restarted it. During the startup, I got a message saying I was connected to an Elink, not an Elite. I clicked the tick and carried on, and restarted the schedule of programs where it had been interrupted. Although everything seemed to be working, the programs were acting differently - not stopping the trains in the correct places for example. Then I got the green status box again and the clcok only updating every 6 seconds. This time I opened up device manager, and my COM4 had disappeared.

So as I did a few days ago, I powered off everything at the mains, rebooted th pc with the USB cable unplugged, and loaded up device manager. I plugged in the USB cable, and COM4 re-appeared, but this time, the port settings were correct w.r.t. baud rate. Loaded up Railmaster, ran a couple more programs successfully, then closed down.


I seem to recall having these symptoms - green status box and clock updating every 6 seconds - a couple of years ago, and I think that is when I started to use Alternative comms=1



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I would be more than happy for HRMS to log onto my machine but I am on a PAYG MiFi dongle and I cannot afford to burn data willy-nilly  on long remote sessions. No reverse charges possible with internet providers unfortunately. I have Elite, eLInk and Select so they could have proved all possible connections.

When I get moved and set on a landline connection with a PC and a laptop then OK, but that’s not going to be for a few weeks yet If the legal team keep up their current blistering snail’s pace.

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OK for the members with an Elite with broken comms I have an update.


HRMS told me that he was happy for me to post this update and its content on the forum.


HRMS have been logged onto my RM Windows 10 1809 PC for just over two hours. Now this information only relates to those of you with an Elite controller used with RM.


Up until now I have always had to have my railmaster.ini file set with Alternative comms=1 and Check controller=0. The first thing HRMS did was to set both values at zero. He stated that those values should be the optimum values when running an Elite on Windows 10.


Now this railmaster.ini  file change in itself initially only made my comms errors worse. HRMS then installed their own special version of the Railmaster.exe file that included a 'debug' utility. Two hours of making adjustments and fine tuning comms timing resulted in my Elite comms issues being fixed. I do need to do some more stress testing to make sure all the features I use work. However, I don't have ProPack, I don't make extensive use of 'Programs' and I don't use a Hand Held. So I don't really have a lot to test for sure.


The final act, was for HRMS to download to my PC a revised railmaster.exe file that had all the edits he had included during the 2 hour session but without the 'debug' utility.


Note this however, I asked HRMS if the fix he has put in place for my Elite would work for eLink users as well. He said this needed further testing. The reason being is that the eLink on Windows 10 DOES NEED the Alternative comms=1 value and not 0 as he set my .INI file to and his mods to my railmaster.exe file only related to an Alternative comms=0 railmaster.ini file entry.


HRMS are still looking for eLink users with the controller communications issue that they can remotely log onto. So volunteers with eLink comms issues are needed if you want this issue fixed.


I asked if the mods done to my railmaster.exe will find their way into a RailMaster 1.70 revision 2. He said yes ultimately, but only when they can be sure that the eLink comms issues are fixed too.


Now this is the bit that is a bit vague. My final text dialogue with HRMS was about the modified file he has put on my PC. He said that it was downloadable directly from their website. I assumed it would have been in the downloadable installer, but that is not the case. If anybody wants it, then I suggest they contact HRMS direct to request it. Alternatively see the last comment at the end of this reply.


It must however be treated as a 'Work in Progress BETA' file. Copy it to your "Program(x86)/Railmaster program folder and overwrite the current one. I suggest saving the current one somewhere else first so that you can regress back if it goes pear shaped.


Remember, this file only works for the Elite if Alternative comms=0 is set in your railmaster.ini file.


Now those of you with an eLink with the comms issue, might want to try this revised BETA file just in case it works with an eLink too. But I stress that HRMS have not tested this. With the eLink, Alternative comms=1 and Check controller=1 should be set in the railmaster.ini file.


If there is anyone brave enough to try this file with an eLink. HRMS would like to hear your experiences back here in this thread.


The bottom line is that HRMS are taking this comms error issue very seriously and trying to developed a broad church fix for all. This is being hampered because they can't replicate the issue on their own machines and need remotely accessed volunteers to donate access to their systems to assist.


Final caveat. The final railmaster.exe file works on my particular Laptop PC. An ACER Aspire V5-571P originally built with Win 8.0 OS now running W10 1809 OS using a Core intel i5 processor. The comms timing changes in my file might not suit your particular PC USB hardware and drivers. It is after all, a 'BETA' file, so please do bear that in mind if it doesn't work for you on your particular PC.


I have put the HRMS modified railmaster.exe file from my RM application onto my cloud service. Being an .exe file I have to put it inside a ZIP. Copy the URL below into your browser. When the cloud webite opens, click the file in the top left corner to download to your PC. Then unZip it to extract the .exe file




EDIT: This link (below) is the official HRMS version of my file above. But be aware that it may be amended as time goes by, if HRMS perform amendments to it due to working on other users bug fixes. This is the file that Ray downloaded and used as documented in his post on the next forum page. At the time of this post, the file "Properties" (General Tab) reports a file size of 18,636,800 Bytes. If the file you download from the link below is not this specific size, then assume that is not the same file as my original file in the link above.




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Late last night I downloaded the "beta" version as per Chris's link. This morning I copied it to my RM folder, and amended the INI file for Alternative comms=0. I have just finished a RM session lasting 2 hours 40 minutes, during which time I experienced no comms problems at all.


For me, the only noticeable difference between Alternative comms=0 or 1 is that, in RM programs, the Accelerate and Decelerate commands seem to operate at different rates. So today, using AC = 0, my programs which use these commands (about 90% of them), didn't operate as before - trains accelerate too quickly and decelerate too quickly. I spent the morning, tweaking some of my programs to get them to behave as before, but during that time, the comms between the pc and Elite was perfect.



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Good to see that the amended file seems to be working well on your system too. If anybody can break it, it will be you since you use RM to the full....ProPack and programs. It also gives you the ability to go back to AC=0 which you previously used and I assume you would prefer to use, if it restores the advantages that it previously gave you before being forced to adopt the AC=1 setting as part of a previous RM update.

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