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elite controller


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hello jack

you should not have to anything to the elite controller.

your scotsman has had a decoder fitted ,this has a default dcc address of 3 ,all decoders come this way ,you will need to give the scots man a new address ,this can be a two or four digit address ,my tip ! four digit address 4472.

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Hello Jack and welcome to the Forum

Jane is corect, nothing needs to be done to the Elite but you will need to use your Elite to program the Decoder that has been fitted to your Flying Scotsman, assuming that you need to change the address it has now.

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@Jack-Vine.........your new decoder has an address of 03.........programming means changing this to a different number of your choice because if your buy another loco with a decoder it will also be 03..........if you follow the instructions on page nine (Quick Start) of your Elite Operators Manual you will learn how  to change the address..........HB

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Jack, I suggest you need to read the Elite user guide manual fully to understand your Elite function and capabilities. I do however, appreciate that for a complete novice, that the Hornby manual can be quite daunting. Therefore in order to point you in the right direction to start you off, see these overview notes below:




Firstly, to program a DCC Fitted loco. The recommended method is to use the 'Direct' programming mode method (Elite default mode). You need to attach a 'programming track piece' to the Elite 'Prog A&B' output. The drawing on the manual Page 12 (below) shows the detail.



You then place the DCC fitted loco on this programming track piece.


Now follow the instructions on page 15 of the Elite manual (below).



At step 8 (top yellow highlight) decide what DCC address you want to give the loco (not 0003 which is the current factory set default). The manual example uses DCC Address 0001, but this is just an example. The address you choose can be anything between 0001 and 9999 (subject to that address being supported by the decoder, if not a Hornby branded one).


At steps 9 & 10, the address you have chosen in Step 8 is displayed where the yellow highlight shows 0001 & No 1 respectively.


If the address is accepted and configured successfully, then move the loco onto the main track and test it on the new address using the instructions on Page 17 (below).




At step 2 (yellow highlight) select the DCC address you chose and configured into the loco when it was on the 'programming' track'. Once the loco address has been selected and assigned to a controller knob by pressing the knob (see manual Page 14) then rotating the knob should move the loco.



However, before performing ANY of the tasks described above. The first thing you should do is test your DCC Fitted loco on the default 003 address. This is really easy to do. Place the new DCC Fitted loco on the main track. Turn on the power to your Elite controller and let it go through its power up test routine. The Elite LCD screen will then display 003. Turn the left hand controller knob and the loco should move. When an Elite powers up, it automatically sets itself up to operate a loco that still has the default 003 DCC address on controller knob 1.


NOTE: The 'On/Off' button on the Elite faceplate is NOT a power 'On/Off' button. It is only used with the Hornby 'Sapphire' DCC decoder.


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As outlined by Chris...

To run a loco on address 3 or any address of your choice your running track needs to be connected to the Elite TRACK terminals, but to program the decoder to a new address or indeed change any of its characteristics (CVs) a programming track needs to be connected to the PROG terminals.


Programming track is usually just a short length of straight track. The important thing being not to connect the running track and programming track together or you will damage your Elite.

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One other thing to note:


If your layout was previously a DC Analogue one and you have recently upgraded to an Elite to go DCC. Then your track probably still has DC Analogue power tracks or power clips. These are NOT compatible with DCC [this includes R8201 Link Wires if you are using them]. They either need to be either replaced with the DCC versions R8241 and/or R8242 or modified to remove the DC Analogue suppression capacitor. Failure to heed this advice is very likely to affect DCC functionality and the ability to successfully program the decoders.




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Hey Jack, ask a question to which the answer is “nothing” and get a whole page of very useful information in reply from 5 of our more/most knowledgeable contributors.  I wonder what you’lol get when you ask a complicated question?

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