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Hornby R3585 class 90 & Hornby decoder R8249

Gary NZ

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Just bought a new Hornby R3585 Class 90 and fitted a New hornby R8249 decoder. Programmed OK but when I went to run it (elink) it went to full speed checked it on the program track again - same thing dosen't matter if I click slow or fast same thing happens _ help!!! I have used these decoders lots with no problems

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This sounds like DC runaway where the decoder can see the DCC track voltage but cannot see an electrically clean DCC signal superimposed upon it.


You can turn off 'DC Operation' by amending the value of CV29 (using your RM / eLink). Amending CV29 is specifically covered in the RM manual on page 71.


If after disabling DC Operation in CV29. the loco does not move at all under any DCC control, then the R8249 decoder is probably faulty.


Try a different R8249


The R3585 is a DCC Ready loco with socket, so if a known good working R8249 from one of your previous upgrades does the same. Then the R3585 loco circuit board maybe faulty.



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Bought a new decoder same problem. Most of my locos are are hardwired except for the TTS ones, so didn't use one out of another. Just noticed on the slide bar at the top are 2 yellow squares which none of my others have. Have I done something wrong ???

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 Just noticed on the slide bar at the top are 2 yellow squares.......


Not something I recall seeing before. For clarity of meaning, can you post a screen capture image showing these yellow squares. Images posted today are unlikely to appear before Tuesday as Monday is a UK Bank Holiday and admin (image approval check) won't be back at the office until then.

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Thanks, tried setting the CV29 to 000 stll does the same, will try another decoder now

No point in setting CV29 to 0 as this sets the speed steps to 14 which is obsolete.......the R8249 decoder is pre-programmed to 128 speed steps so you are probably getting a false result.....try setting CV29 to 2 which is the normal setting with DC running disabled........HB

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Hi Chrissaf

Photo attached the one on the right has no problem, the one on the left has the problem. I also now have another with the same problem, the other 12+ locos all work fine.

                                                    Yellow squares                                                              no yellow squares



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The lefthand throttle slider is corrupt being outwith the frame at top and bottom, also the slider segment colours are missing.


Try a different colour scheme and see if the problem perpetuates, then report it in to HRMS mentioning you will follow up with those pictures when you get their response.

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