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Running 2 locos

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Can't see why not.  If the two tracks are totally separate, on separate baseboards for instance, you will need two track power feeds.  If they are on the same layout just have a connection from one track to the other to power them both.

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The answer is YES, assuming of course you are operating a DCC system.  You can even run 2 or more Trains on the same track in different directions, providing have enough room to avoid collisions.


That is the beauty of DCC, you control the Train and not the track.


(Incidentally, I would strongly advise you to change your username for something else, rather than picking one that tries to summarise your question)

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You can even run multiple locos on the same track using DCC in the same direction much like traffic on a road or in opposite directions by ducking into a layby loop.

The number of locos running at any one time is restricted only by the Select power pack.

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Go into your forum user account. Click the links in the order of 'step1 and step2' as indicated in the image below. Then you can change your 'username' to something more appropriate. Note that you can only do this once. Thereafter you have to ask admin to do it for you via email.




The whole point of DCC, is the ability of a single controller to control multiple locos independently. The Select is no different to any other DCC controller in that respect. The loco decoder remembers the last command given to it. So in essence, you set 'loco 1' running, then leave that running whilst you switch the Select to 'loco 2' and then control that loco instead. You then switch the Select to whichever loco (1 or 2) that you have to give the next command to. You are not limited to just 2 locos, the number of locos that you can control independently in this manner is limited only by your mental capacity to remember what DCC address controls what loco and your physical dexterity to press buttons, to select (acquire) the loco you want to control.. Plus of course the current capacity of the controller power supply to operate the desired number of locos. The Select 1 amp supply can only support 3 or 4 locos at a time.


Your question indicates to me that perhaps you haven't quite yet grasped the fundamental difference between DC Analogue and DCC Digital control. I recommend that you read Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 of my downloadable 'Getting Started' PDF. You can find the download link for it here:




Note that 'DCC Ready' locos are DC Analogue locos and not DCC Digital ones. You have to fit a DCC Decoder to a DCC Ready loco first, to make it digitally controllable by a Select controller.


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Particularly as my reply includes an image. If you use the blue button, any reply you write, may be held back for image approval. Even though it is already a previously published image.

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