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DCC wiring diagram for Black 5


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Restoring a black 5 bought from Ebay which has been gutted of its DCC bored holder and all its wires! Dose anyone have a diagram or can explain were the wires go to return it to DCC working. 

I have the holder and PCB from a second black 5 being used for spares but this is in a worse state. 

The black 5 five is the older super detailed model without the plug and socket in the tender. 


The model has been stripped cleaned and repaired so seems a shame not to finish the job off an get it running again.

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fazy.........you could use Hornby 8 pin socket kit X9084........it may just fit across the existing mountings, it is 17mm across the fixing holes centres........


On th back of the socket are the soldering pads so it is easy to feed the bared wires throught holes and bend over the pads for soldering......./media/tinymce_upload/18b9805e3f43193aebbcac6dd538b1a2.png

when the socket is upside down note where pin 1 is then solder the red wire from the pickups to pin 8, black wire from pickup to pin4.......then wires from the motor to pins 1 & 5......(at this stage you won't know if the motor leads are the right way round but this can be corrected later either by swapping them and resoldering or via CV29 to change direction)..........turn socket back over and screw down, fit decoder and test before fitting loco body.........bon chance......HB

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Just use the standard wiring code, red and black to the track, orange and grey to the motor. These are the four corner pins on the socket. In your picture the capacitor is connected across the motor brushes with black wires and can be deleted. The red and black taped to the motor need to come forward to the socket which mounts to those two posts just ahead of where those two wires emerge from downstairs.

Parallel the track connections back from the socket pads to the tender pickups by way of direct wiring or install a plug and socket (Got a picture of the tender chassis to see what that end of the loco looks like as it seems likely as you have the fixed drawbar there should be a tender socket already).

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