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Zero 1 - Loco Module Revisions


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After making the change over from my Zero 1 set up to Hornby Elite based DCC I am in the process of selling off my Zero 1 equipment.  I am now working my way through the loco modules and have a mixture of Rev D, Rev G and Rev H versions. Try as I might I can't find any information on the the differences/s between the various revisions other than an aside comment that Rev D hailed the introduction of the use of conductive paint to code the modules. Also, based on the one Rev C version I have it looks like the major change from C to D was that the Rev C was a single triac circuit and Rev D a 2 triac circuit.

I would be grateful for any information on the different module revisions. Also, did Hornby jump straight from Rev D to Rev G or were there Rev E and Rev F types?

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In the interim you may already know about this ...


...which speaks in part to revision states but not as far as you need (G).


I also have it on good authority that the  Railway Doctor used to (and still may) repair Zero 1 kit and/or may be able to answer your revision status question.

Contact him here 


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Thanks RAF96. Look forward to any news you might have - I hope the kitchen refit is going well. Thanks for the dccwiki link; I have seen it but interesting to know that the Raildoc is still active. I visited him must be 20 or or so years ago - a veritable Alladin's cave of model rail bits and bobs and a very interesting and amiable chap.

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Thanks RAF96. Look forward to any news you might have - I hope the kitchen refit is going well. Thanks for the dccwiki link; I have seen it but interesting to know that the Raildoc is still active. I visited him must be 20 or or so years ago - a veritable Alladin's cave of model rail bits and bobs and a very interesting and amiable chap.


All finished except for worktops. Laser scanned for those today but 2 weeks for manufacture, hence I should be able to get into the train room tomorrow and access my files. If I was smart enough I would have been able to network everything for access on the house PC, but I’m not.

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I have 3 pdf documents relating to Zero-1. . .

Zero1 - Operating Manual 3rd Edition - 10 pages poor quality scans

Zero 1 Module installation 3rd Edition 1965-1980 - 4 pages not bad scans

Zero 1 Operating Manual USA Editon, which has more info than the first document - 10 pages scan OK


Neither document talks to module revision states that I can see from a quick read.


Too many pages to post so if you want them please email me from my website contacts page and I will send them over.

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Thank you for your kind offer RAF96, however, I think I have seen at least 2 of the publications you mention and agree that there is no mention of module revisions. I dug out my Zero 1 file which included newsletters from the Command Control Register back in 1983 - I didn't think it was that far back that I kitted myself out with Zero 1 !! - but again no mention of revisions. I was only trying to find the background to the revisions so that I could mention it in the advertisements for the modules when I get around to selling them. Anyway, thanks again for looking 'stuff' out for me.

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MERG has a couple of  Zero-1 documents available to members which are copies of Hornby technical info.   Don't forget that 50Hz and 60Hz required different decoders.


I still have some unused loco modules in their blister packs ...!


My other half has suggested I should now mount my old 2 metre long Micromimic diagram (with master etc) on the wall of our garage which is now home to our Scandinavian layout... as its original North Devon layout in the loft was redesigned when rebuilt as fully dcc, and a 'glass panel'  large touchscreen monitor.


For a short period I was able to run the locos on dcc, whilst retaining Zero-1 (and the micromimic )  for the accessories because I had had to run separate busses for track and accessories when the APT was released ... its heavy current demand  triggered 'nearby' points to change as it was running when they shared the same bus ... but separating them avoided the problem.


Today it is still good practice to keep locos and accessories on separate busses 8-)


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