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TTS Issues X 2

Kev C

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I have a Railroad Flying Scotsman TTS fitted that after a period of running now stops with sound still working. Then after a wait it will move forward and backwards but only for a few revolutions. The only changes I have made to the decoder is to change the short & long address via my NCE Powercab.

I also decided to put a Class 66 TTS decoder into a Railroad class 59 after a short period of very jerky and rough running now it will only play sound and not move.


Any ideas folks ?

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Just had this happen to me on a J36 when installing a sound chip. Found two electrial shorts. The back of a  spring plunger going to the left loco wheel pickups was poorly soldered (it was a big blob) and was touching the chassis and the left side motor terminal was also touching the chassis. Under DC the short wasnt a problem as it it just meant power went straight to the motor.  Under DCC the loco would start to move and the vibration would cause it to short and make it stop. Then you could restart and it would do it again. Filed of the offending solder and putting insulation around the motor terminal fixed it. Poor qualty control at the factory. I now test all conections with a mulitmeter at the DCC socket before installing a Decoder.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Have you fitted the decoder the right way round?


Reversing the decoder in an 8-pin socket will only affect the lights, which are likely not fitted anyhow.

It is also 2 weeks since the OP so likely its either fixed or sent back.

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My RR TTS Flying Scotsman's motor burned itself out.

Hornby replaced the motor. 

New motor then went faulty.

Replaced it with  a Tornado motor as you can't buy the original (grrr!)

Can you return it to dc to prove the motor still work?

Not Hornby's finest.

If your Scotsman was RR, then presumably it had the motor with the flywheel? If so, it's exactly the same as the Tornado one. X6331.

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