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New Carriage Return Stripping Behaviour


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Recently I've had a couple of instances where the forum has stripped multiple carriage returns leaving none.  I've tried up to 4, gave up then.


A case in point - my last post in DCC Forum LOTL thread.  In the last para, I tried unsuccessfully to have the last sentence format as a spaced separate para and gave up.

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Do what I do.....as well as the carriage return I place a period (full stop) as an isolated character all on its own. This might also work with a 'space' character instead of a 'period' (will try that in an edit of the this reply in a minute).





Above is several carriage returns with periods.







EDIT: Above is several carriage returns with 'spaces' where the 'periods' were.


As you can see, the post has been published without the carriage returns being stripped out.




Above is four consecutive carriage returns without any additional characters added. These haven't been stripped out either, well maybe just the first one - leaving three behind. So as far as my browser is concerned (Firefox on Windows 10)...I do not see the same issue as you.


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I have never noticed a problem and I regularly use 2 Carriage Returns, to ensure paragraph separation. 


I don't undertand a need for more than the 2.


(as shown here)






It may be browser specific. (This is 5, using Google Chrome)

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Drifting slightly off topic here, but a tip for those using an iPad who have trouble placing the cursor into an exact position within a word or sentence Say to correct a typo or change some text.


Press anywhere on the screen within the active box with two fingers and slide them around the screen. You will see the cursor moves at the same time and you can drop it exactly where you want it even in the middle of a word. It works best if you press away from the line the cursor is already on.


If you double tap with two fingers you can (eventually) bring up the thingy for copying a range of text. By moving your fingers apart or together and around thenscreen you can define the text to copy or cut. Its a bit fiddly to fire up but easy once its going.


This may work with phones and tablets, but I haven’t tried it.

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