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This Years Santa Express! Good or Bad?

Quay 46

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I got this years Santa Express to run around the Christmas tree for the Grandkids (And myself to be entirely honest!). In its little oval of track it is fine but I decided to give it a go around my layout, that wagon "Santa's Sleigh in transit" is so light it will not do a proper circuit of a normal layout without derailing. Maybe it is my track laying or something? 

Is anyone else finding the same problems?

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The Santa's Sleigh in Transit LWB Van is an old tooling and is the worst wagon in the train set, due to it's lightness. I am unsire of it has any weights inside, but ot has, they don't do anything. As walkingthedog says above, replacing the plastic wheels with metal wheels should make a differnce. Also, opening the van up and fitting a weight would help too. I am sure there will plenty of space inside! 😆


Those LWB Vans are always fitted with plastic wheels and it comes from the Hornby RailRoad range. The 7 Plank Open Wagon containig the presents resin load is much nicer, with more detail and also contains nice spoked metal wheels.


GNR-Gordon-4 (HF) 

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