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How Slow Can You Go?


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Just had a bit of fun, being curious after having been 'so impressed' by my new Hattons Class 66 - just seems to have raised the bar in many aspects so much more ... one being just how smooth and how slowly it can go ... so ...

I decided I'd try it with a few of my 'old ladies' ... and ended up really quite impressed!!

Bachmann Hall : 

Hornby DoS - 6233 : 

Hornby Lizzie - 6201 : 

Hornby Scottie - 46100 : 


I think you'll agree, they all performed extremely well!!



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It's moving a lot, I agree - a bit 'TMI' but was just after a workout on a bike, and other gear in my garage ...


I don't have a tripod, but may get around to it again - main thing is keep an eye on the spokes of their wheels ... they are all moving!


Having seen so much of Bachmann this, Dapol that, Fleischmann ... etc., I think Hornby's old ladies were really VERY impressive for their albeit brief appearances!

They certainly don't have any problems pulling trains out of stations - DoS and Lizzie in particular are very impressive on longer runs when I've had track out.


Of those slow runs I think Scottie, or ex-LMS, now BR 46100 Royal Scot was the most impressive.



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Oh yeah - just notice W . T.  D. -  at 1st I thought it was a new person!!!  😆 Liking the Bird - what kind of bird is it???

@ Atom :- With ypur 1st 4 links - Your Link to your (Bachmann Hall : 

) is the same link to your (Hornby Scottie - 46100 : 

just thought you might like to know!!!

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Thanks JJ.

As you know you can't edit after perhaps 15 minutes, so nothing I can do now - here's the Hall - it was the first one I tested - wobbly camera and all!!



Doing this, I actually read up on the amazing history of Rood Ashford Hall / Albert Hall ... both sort of mixed together, purchasers originally thinking they had purchased Albert Hall ...



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No worries - Your Welcome - Yeah it was funny because I wanted to comment on every 1 of your videos & when I click the the 4th video link -it kept on taking me back to the 1st link & I couldn't understand why - may be that I had clicked on the wrong link at 1st but no - then I noticed that the 1st link ws the same as the 4th link - ar hah -that's why - & that is whY I 'd thought - I'd better let Alan know!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wobbly Camera time - not as bad as the initial ones ....



R3246 TTS - DC running - 2001 Cock o' the North .... RUNNING VERY SMOOTHLY AND SLOWLY - unusual?



Out of the box this is not possible! This is with the X6199 5-pole skew-wound motor I fitted - again, very impressed and didn't hesitate once, anywhere on the flexitrack test run ... I simply left it for 5 minutes in one direction and it only went halfway along!!



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Very Good Atom  😀 I've got Cock o' the North aswell - a good loco!!!

With the Fraightliner Loco @ 1:33 - it says on the side "In memory of fallen Railway workers" is that to do with W. W. 2 or is that to do with Railway workers in general say in the last 5 - 10 yrs may be the fell in front of a train or some thing like that???

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To be honest JJ, I would have to read about it.

I would guess that with the mention of 'Patriot' it implies serving your country, which the railways certainly did during the wars, and particularly the 2nd World War.


I would like to think that it can laterally include all others who may have lost their lives during their service as well.


That 'Freightliner' is a Hattons Class 66.

It's already run for over 5 hours in both directions, has acceptable speed, is immensely heavy (~740g), quiet when not crawling (which is normal) and VERY powerful. Detailing? See for yourself.



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Well, I just fitted a Zimo chip and stay alive to my little Ruston 48DS and ran it on my boxfile layout. Reversed in slowly and then accelerates up a gear as it moves off forward! Very impressed by this - the loco is only about 5cm long!

Not as slow as those big locos but with such little momentum and tiny motor not bad!



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That's a lovely little locomotive.


I wouldn't try going that slowly either - I've decided I've 'had my fun' there - it's proved a point, that these locomotives can go really slowly, but in all honesty, probably never do/did for so long, in real life, nor is it prudent to continue doing so - could overheat the motor!



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Well, I just fitted a Zimo chip and stay alive to my little Ruston 48DS and ran it on my boxfile layout. Reversed in slowly and then accelerates up a gear as it moves off forward! Very impressed by this - the loco is only about 5cm long!

Not as slow as those big locos but with such little momentum and tiny motor not bad!


 Quick question, I have just received my Queen Anne 48DS and was wondering which decoder you used.

Thanks for the help.



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Don’t press the blue button Stuart as your question is now lost in the previous text requoted by doing so. Just type your question in the reply box at the bottom of the screen then press the green reply button.

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