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New User - 2x R8206 on a full system

Will Hay

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After a lifetime of wanting I've finally bought my first system.

It's a couple of DCC boxsets [Mixed Freight and Somerset Belle] on the TrackMat [A to F] system.

The thing is, the chap I bought it off said he used both controllers, which I initially assumed was because he didn't want to keep switching between locomotives with a single controller.

It turns out he was of the opinion he needed two controllers for two tracks, so has two R8206 AC power tracks, in which he connects the two select controllers.

I only want to use one controller.

I've tested the system with one controller now I'm home and all seems fine on all track apart from the fact that when I sometimes switch points the locomotive stops.

I assume the problem is that I'm missing the R8232 clips at each change?

Presumably he had the R8206 AC power track adapted for a DCC system, otherwise it wouldn't work at all [based on section six of the gettng started guide within the sticky at the top of this forum]?

Many thanks,

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Pop the lid off the 8206 inside you may see a capacitor .you can clip this out as it is not needed on DCC, the decoders have built in rf suppression .you are probably correct re power clips in your points .it may be worth upgrading your DCC controller (assuming a select).you can send it to hornby and for a few quid they will update it the version 16 , this enables you to alter more c.v (you will become more savvy with the terminology as you progress).


pop along here and ask as much as you like .

Welcome to the world of DCC.

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I am concerned about the Sellers advice. You must never ever connect two DCC controllers to the same layout if the track that each controller controls is electrically connected together. If the seller did indeed use two controllers each with their own power track, then it has to be done with two completely separate loops of track for which there is no route via points between them.


The only way to use two Select controllers on the same layout is when using the second Select controller in 'Walkabout' mode with the first Select controller. In 'Walkabout' mode only ONE controller is connected to the layout track and this controller is defined as the 'Master' controller. The second Select controller is connected to the 'Master' as a 'Slave' controller. The 'Slave' controller gets its operating power from the 'Master' and is not connected to a separate mains power pack supply.


As others have said, to use R8206 & R602 power connectors on a DCC layout, the internal capacitors need to be removed. The capacitors will distort a Digital DCC signal and in the worst case scenario prevent the digital decoders from being able to read and understand the digital command being sent.


And yes....you need to fit the R8232 DCC point clips....but as you have purchased second-hand track. Make sure that the rail contact areas where the clips fit are spotlessly clean and any tarnish removed with a chemical cleaner (not an abrasive product). A suitable chemical cleaner is meths or IsoPropyl Alcohol (IPA). Dirt if left, can create a resistive connection, passing a current through a resistance generates heat. It has been reported on this forum that the R8232 DCC point power clips have been observed to glow red hot and melt the surrounding plastic where they have been fitted on dirty rails.


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To answer your question about why the loco stops when you change points. That is because the point acts as an electrical switch so whichever way the point is set the power follows it. A DCC track is usually made permanently live across all rail sections hence why those fiddly clips are installed.


As Chris says if you want to use two controllers then configure them in Walkabout mode per the manual. You will need a special cable to do this, not just any old RJ plugged cable.

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Thank you for the welcome Jane/thank you for the replies.

I found a set of clips in one of the boxes, fitted them and programmed the three locomotives and all is working as I expect it to, with one controller, obviously.

I have a few other questions, more observations to ensure all is fine and if not what I need to do.

I'll collate and create another post after research.

Thanks again.

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