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Lima Class 33 Burma Star with White Roof


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I have now put together another Lima Class 33 from non runners and bits obtaitained mostly from eBay. The body is the 33056 Burma Star in rail blue version with White over most of the roof near the cab and white grills.


Can someone tell me whern (or if) the real loco was actually given this variation on the blue livery? Trawling the net I can only find images of this loco with an all over grey roof or possibly blue.


Might this have been a special for Royal Train working, if so which?


Many thanks

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It could just be a complete custom that somebody has done. People modify locomotives and rolling stock a lot. It could however of had a  white roof just over the cabs, in real life. I am sure if it did exist in real life like that, somebody will tell us. There's a lot of knowledge here.


GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

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Photos re Burma Star


The 'funeral' train conveying the body of Earl Mountbatten of Burma was hauled by 33027 and 33056. About a year later 33027 was named Earl Mountbatten of Burma and 33056 Burma Star to reconise the fact. The two locos had their roofs painted white (different styles).


I've put the only photos I've got above but as you will see the roof is now rather dirty, but by now it's had the 'white' roof for about 5 years.






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