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LNER Silver Jubilee and Coronation Trains!


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I've got a Jubilee 7 car set I built years and years ago from kits but I can't remember whose so I bought the LE Silver Link when it came out without any real intention of running it. I had a plan to refurb the coaches (I built them for EM) and put the

lot on a display shelf.

Things change and I've now got a layout again but I never allowed for the triple restaurant/kitchen/restaurant and designed (really the board sizes did the designing) the carriage shed and shunt to handle sets in 4 car rakes

so changes are needed.

When I rejig the carriage sheds I will allow for the Coronation set which I like more because of the full carriage streamlining being so unusual especially with the observation car. No chance of a build though, even refurbishing

the Jubilee and adding lighting is pushing me as lighting through the new windows makes it obvious I now need to upgrade the interiors which I hadn't bargained for.

The drawback of the silver is that everything does have be right or it stands out like

a sore thumb. I'm quite impressed by my build quality all those years ago, I couldn't match it now so I either need an easy conversion or do without. When stuff sits next to Hornby's 61'6" Gresleys it doesn't cut it if it isn't reasonably good.

I will

certainly investigate the Mailcoach kits brclass125 bought. Thing is there are two locos I want I cannot get any other way than kits so these things come down to the time you can give to them. I've already cheated by doing three on new modified Hornby chassis!

I always wanted to be able to run a full length Scotsman and I decided I would only do this layout if I could and that happens soon so something has to give. If I had come back 10 years ago my target would have been a full 40 coach length Highland but for

that a wall would have to come down and more stock would have to have been built instead of bought so that isn't going to happen.

The Coronation observation cars were not up to much, far better in the pictures than in the flesh. When I first saw one

as kid on the West Highland I thought it was space technology, I expected the Mighty Mecon to float in! When I got in it and it leaked and you couldn't see anything through the low windows it was a great let down . All credit to BR, or they got sick of all

the complaints, because they got rebuilt and, to my young eyes, refitted to a much higher standard with the key change of full height windows and they were exactly what was needed and often full unfortunately!

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Back to the orignal low end windows?

They were in bad way before the rebuild but with the big windows and decent interiors it must have been encouraging for the staff. I always found they kept at it demonstrating the tourist potential was still

there and the observation cars helped press and tourist interest too.

Callander was due to shut before the Glen Ogle landslip of course but the whole thing looked like a lost cause for a good few years after that - the papers certainly said so. Hard

for staff to stay cheerful at work but they still made sure the tourists were happy.

The savings from Radio Signalling and the revival of interest in steam in the eighties were probably key of course but I think those Coronation cars helped to keep

the West Highland open too all those years after they "retired" .

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Check out the Rail Vehicle Preservation website, they have two , 1719 and 1729. The first is now fully restored with the later large window configuration and the latter still under reconstruction will have the original streamlined end with small window

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Excellent outcome. Thanks LC&DR. One in both service forms will end up preserved and gleaming.

A decent length visit to the GCR has been on the cards for some time so I must firm that up.

With so many happy memories from back then (and Kyle

too) an extra effort with some cash from me is needed too.

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  • 1 month later...
the GCR is differently a good day out and is only going to get better, The Mountsorrel Branch coming on, work on the loughborough extension to Nottingham also started, Swithland Sidings, the NRM planed museum at leicester north, and on specal day i.ve

seen 8 steam locos running
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