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Consist problem


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Hi, I tried to add a consist to my Hornby Select controller but made a mess - I had a stroke a few months ago and it has caused me to have problems with concentration and memory. After the failure to set a DCC code for the consist I tried to give a DCC code for my Class 37. I pressed the Select button and "LA" appeared on the controller. I then input a number (8) and pressed the Select button and the controller flashed 3 times. I then put "8" back on the controller: the loco didn't move and when I pressed "Select" again the number 2 appeared on the display. I changed the number to 8 and pressed "Select" again. This time the number 4 appeared in the display and the loco didn't move. I hope I have made this problem understandable and, as ever, I appreciate any help you can give me. For instance am I able to reset the controller?



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It would be nice to know the revision state of your Select as this can affect how things are done.

Watch the screen at power up for three pairs of numbers, you will see XX then 30 then 03. What is the XX you see.

The latest is v1.6. I.e. XX = 16. Yours may be anything from 10 to 15.

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Just to be clear, when you set up a consist, you are writing the consist data to the loco decoders, not puttting it in the Select.  So it's not as if you have done it incorrectly and corrupted the Select.


Had you previously changed your Class 37 address from the default 03 it comes with?  If not, you may find it still runs on that address. If you have changed it previously, it may still be running on what you changed it to.  Try it.

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Just to be clear, when you set up a consist, you are writing the consist data to the loco decoders, not puttting it in the Select.  So it's not as if you have done it incorrectly and corrupted the Select.


Had you previously changed your Class 37 address from the default 03 it comes with?  If not, you may find it still runs on that address. If you have changed it previously, it may still be running on what you changed it to.  Try it.



Unlike many other DCC controllers, the Select does not write consist information to the decoders , it does actually store the consist information in the Select controller.    This allows basic decoders, such as the Hornby R8249 decoders, to be used in consists even though the decoders do not support consists.


I think this referred to as basic or simple consisting, as opposed to advanced consisting.

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ROG is correct. This is documented on Page 14 of the Select 1.5 manual. The methodology may be different in Select firmware versions other than version 1.5


You have to create a 'consist' address which is not common with any other loco decoder on the layout, then assign the two existing loco addresses to that consist address using the Page 14 instructions.

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