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Excellent response from Hornby Service Department


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Bought A Hornby Hornby R3460TTS Late BR Fowler locomotive
class 4F a few years ago. Never used it as I am still building layout. Got it out to give a test run on my Hornby rolling road and found that it had traction tyres on the centre wheels one of which was loose. First time I have come across these. Nothing in the instructions about them and I could not 'poke' it back on the wheel. Had to remove a base plate and the wheelset dropped out. Easy to fix the tyre but when I re-assembled it the loco would not run. TTS sound was fine but no motion. Did another wheel removal and refitted but still no go - literally.

Returned it to Hornby Service dept, told them it was well out of warranty, thought I'd bought it new but could not remember where from. Just received it back today. Working fine and a slip of paper to say re-fitted wheels, adjusted contacts, tested ok. Free of charge. 

Just tried it on the RR, works fine, very happy. Thank you, Hornby.

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I also had excellent support, reported at the time, when I purchased 'the latest' Duchess of Hamilton, which was shorting out.


They advised to send, worked on it, and returned it fully operational.

They explained where the short was - somebody had been a little generous in the soldering department when it was manufactured!!


They also continued on the shorter tie bar between loco and tender and supplied one.



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This is to be encouraged, and YES it is an unfortunate consequence of modern society that people only like to rant and complain - I suppose I'm not that different on many occasions, but at least I like to step back and review on occasion.


THANK YOU are 2 very small words, but go a long way - as I keep telling my teenage elder lad, who simply grunts back!!



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That's nice.

I have several conversations with my 2 - 13 and 7 respectfully - but as to them being meaningful ... occasionally, then they go to bed and wake up the next day and it all resets again!!


Oh, the thread .... keep the good stories from Hornby coming guys.

Positive encouragement does go a long way.



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