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Forum Update - Removal of the 'Off Topic' forum section.

Guest Chrissaf

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As long as they do a thumb down as well as up. 


To be requested - as well as a big red cross to counter the tick.

Similar facility to what some forums already have....

Like - Thanks - Informative - Clever/Ingenous - Smileys - Love it - Thumbs Up.


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Excellent suggestion. Very useful, as some people, unfortunately, seem reluctant to say "thankyou for your advice" even when the poster has spent a lot of time and/or research to advise on a question.   Also useful for bystanders to voice their admiration etc. Several of our experts are truly amazing in their knowledge. (I am NOT "creeping" to the teacher ! 😆 )

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Just got back from a break in the Lake District with no wi-fi (even in the pubs I went in) so wasn't aware of this. I think it's a shame as there were some posts that were relevant and would help people in the model railway world But that didn't really fit elsewhere. I understand about some of the posts and hopefully without that section it won't mean that the moderators have too much ito deal with in the other sections. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not at all surprised by the decision and in a way I’m relieved that the decision was taken to remove it.

It was becoming just a convenience for people to post about anything, some of which I found myself asking why some threads/posts had been created. They provided literally nothing to the site and in my opinion could be deemed as embarrassing.

Another thing that irritates me and I agree with others regarding this, is the worthless, constant need to reply to every post in a thread. I’ve been a member of forums for a long time and there is a simple etiquette to abide by: if your post has nothing worth saying or doesn’t provide any quality response, please don’t bother posting.

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Initially the 'Off Topic' forum was hidden. However, due to issues of that forum still being visible to 'Auto SPAM Bots' and a continuation of SPAM being posted in it (albeit hidden from members). The historical 'Off Topic' posts have now been removed. This does mean that members who have historically previously posted in the 'Off Topic' forum may have noticed that their total forum post count has reduced as a result.

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