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Can I run trains temporarily on plastic carpet protector?

Mar Mallard

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Okay I can hear you gasp.  Bear with me, this is a temporary solution so please no lectures on what a silly idea it is :-)

My question basically is will there be a problem with the static electricity from the track being on plastic covered capet?

Basically we are renovating and I thought what the hell I will do a temporary layout on plyboard but with no furniture I decided to extend it around the room.  I covered the carpet in plastic carpet protector, which is working fine (sacrilege I know but in hard times...).  I don't want the faff of sorting out the incline from board to carpet (2cm) so I thought I would just run them on the plastic covered carpet. 

I never even considered running trains on the carpet until I watched Sam's Trains which he seems to do.  However, I did not want to kill my locos with fibres and dust.  Nevertheless, not being confined to a board has been rather liberating and I've been filling my boots.

I did look for other kinds of temporary base like rubber roll or more sturdy plastic but this is a cheap and very easy solution...or is it??


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Clip together play/gym mats. E.g. but other mats are available in different sizes and prices, even in your local cheapshop.


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Marmallard you pressed the blue button (twice) which repeated my post and as that had images it had to wait for Admin approval, but you didnt add anything to the post, simI have deleted them both.



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Whoops!  Thanks for your reply and what a great idea.  We only gave away my daughters ones a year ago though they were a tad colourful.  You got me thinking and I found some cork tiles which I thought might do the job although they are not click in so might not stay together.  Thanks again!

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