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Airfix Forum Gallery 2020 (Pandemic Special!)


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They're all fab, I especially like the Spitfire - it's a beaut.  I like the MiG 15, too!

Thanks Aad, yes, the Spitfire is possibly my best build yet. I was very pleased with it, particularly the paint job. The MiG was a bit of a laugh - 31 pieces, fit issues and you can look clean through from nose to tail. Should have tried scratch building some ducting/pipe work. But I'm not ready for that yet.

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Another completion to add to my Luft '46 collection, this time the old Heller Bachem Natter. My eyes need a long holiday!







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Another Australian War Memorial build, this time Mustang A68-648 from a 1/72 Academy P-51D kit. Not the most exciting scheme but it is as displayed, was able to cobble up the correct serial number.





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Here's a couple of Airfix kits I completed a while ago

Two vessels designed to explore hostile environments around 80 years apart, it's incredible to me to consider they are in the same scale!

Ladies and gentleman, I give you . . .  'Discovery'. . . /media/tinymce_upload/4e77a4a0f13236cb04baa1d3713a123e.jpg/media/tinymce_upload/701ad3f239d0c140117813d6bd196e35.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Been rather busy these months since the pandemic has kept me in!  This year I've bult the Airfix Scammel mechanical horse, the King TIger, Jagdpanther, DH Comet & Trident I've also buld a wooden sailing ship, the titanic a fishing trawler, a metal Ford Model T and finished off the scratchbuilt Maxim Gorky.  I've already posted pictures of some of those.  Here are a few I hadn't yet posted.


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Here is my Battle of Britain 80th Anniversary build, the Revell new 1/72 Junkers Ju 88A-1.






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Hi all.

Just befor thr pamdemic her in cape town & befre my hospitalisationi had several models on the go, Like the air sea rescue launch,One I'd like to show is one of the Japaneese aircraft I was wading though at that time. These were two VERY old Hagawa kits. The Kawanishi H6K-6 long range flying boat. The other is the Nakajima G8N1 Renzan an experimantal four engined bomber., this kit was a Frog re-boxing of the Hasagawa kit.


These were kits I'd brought in England in the mid to late 60's. Both kit having raised panal line and rivetsand moulded in very dark very hard plastic (It almost felt like metal working with it) . The G* was an incredable tail sitter needing a vast amount of wieght to make it sit on it's nose wheel. Yhis was done by boxing in the nose wheel bay and trying to add some detail to the glass nose Both to help hide the 3 or 4 ounces of wieght I even added wieght inside the engin cowling. It did eventually sit on it's nose wheel after adding a bit more wieght. The Green i used was the normal Vallejo camflauge green, The orang under side was my own mixture. Normally for the undersides of Japanese aircraft i find Vallejo silver grey to be about right.


The H6K-^ Mavis was built OTB all I added was the rear cannon and replace the wheels of the rear beaching trolly as I'd lost one over the years also had the replace several bracing struts from being lost or broken.. The canopy framing was done with paintes decal sheet cut into tin strips. One problem i had was loosing one of the spinners and had to fashion a replacement from some old sprue. (See if you can spot which one it is.) 


Photos of two frogotten Japanese aircraft of ww2. hope you enjoy. First the Kawanishi H6K-6 Mavis followed by the Nakajima G8N1 Renzan.



This is a huge model at well over 50 centimetres wing span











Now for the G8N1 Renzen



Ab idea of the wieght packed into the nose.








Maybe I can squeeeze some of the single seaters in later, some very old Tamiya, Hasagawa, Matchbox all 1/72 scale.


Remember we do this for fun                             John the Pom


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Started before the pandemic, but put aside for a while over last winter, waiting for some warm weather for airbrushing, so only finished in the summer, a new-tool Airfix Buccaneer S2.C, painted with Xtracolor Extra Dark Sea Grey (and with Humbrol enamel varnish on top after decalling) with Xtradecal, er, decals, representing XV867 as she would have appeared at Lossiemouth in 1969:




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Somethng a bit of smaller animal armour, or horse drawn wagons. 1/72 scale


Both these kit I've shown on the new additions collunm. These are the WW2 German field or baggage cart, and the French  Napolionic baggage wagon both with two horses, made by HAT. The WW2 German wagon is moulded with glue and paint-able plastic, and presented no problems all I added was the brake leaver on the right side.I did think about adding reighs but eventually left them off. To much PT. The german wagon would look equally at home in a WW1 setting with approprate crew.


The French model was moulded in that rubbery polythene type plastic that no paint or glue sticks too. And as such I had to scratch build a new chassis from platic card. Each of the boxes contained three models so I built three chassis for the French models. the poly parts were  glued using my Acrylic tile cement (the same as i use for my sea scapes.) as it sticks to anything. There is no paint guides apart from the box illustration, I used a variaty of light browns, kahki greens olive drab and mid greys for the wagons. This was the first time I'd painted horses, a bit of a learning curve with some artistic licence. I think the French ones came out better after my experiance with the Germn wagon. All I added to the French wagon was some chains for the rear steps and the harness from the horses to the wagon pulling pole. these chains were made from silver thread (Same as i used on the RAF Rescue launch rigging.)  made into a single strand chain senet or plait. Add some black, gun-metal and or bronze paint and you have some fine chain. i thought it look quite successful. 


Not sure when I'll do the two others in the boxes, but they'll be useful for a simple none stressfull build some day.  Hope you enjoy the photos, as you can imagin these model are quite small. Enjoy.



The two wagons together.







Above the German WW2 wagon.

Below the French wagon.





Note the chains at the rear of the wagon.



Again chain at the frount of the pulling yoke.



More rear chains.


Thats it. You all keep safe and healthy.

And remember we do this for fun                                      John the Pom

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Hi Tim

Very nice Buc, looks like you might have lightened the photos a bit.


I've had several models stalled for various reason not the least being lock-down. Hope you all are set free again soon. in the meantime keep safe, not only for yourself but your love ones.


Remember we do this for fun                                   John the Pom

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all.


Firstly, all the best for the new year and here’s hoping it’ll be better than last year. Finished two kits over the Christmas period one being one of my latest purchases.


Seeing as both the UK and SA are in look-down hopefully the Pandemic Special forum is still up and running. I’m still working on my MoJo to get the RAF launch going again.


The first one being the Selbstfahriafette and Fahrgestell Vomag 660 with 88mm Flak from the 42nd Flak Regiment, Dresden Anti-Aircraft Defense, Autumn 1941. The kit has 145 parts plus some film for glazing and some fine mesh for the fold out side panels. I started the kit with some trepidation expecting the usual fit problems one usually finds with Roden armour kits, (Mainly the Opel Blitz series) But I must say I was very pleasantly surprised the fit being excellent. Maybe not quite up to Tamagawa standards, but not far off, even the decals were good. Just a pity Roden can’t seem to improve their instruction, and add some figures as this model really is crying out for at least a driver. I think this is the first model by Roden that I had no spare parts left over at the end. All I did was to add some wires to the rear cable drums. All-in-all a very good model of an almost unknown subject


The other model being the Vauxhall D-Type Ambulance from WW1. It seems Roden is picking quite a few WW1 subject recently, this one being a re-modelling of their staff car. Again, one of the newer models from this manufacture and again no problems except for the instructions, and quite a bit of flash, typical of Roden kits. This flash can be a problem to clean up as it’s often on very small delicate parts. The model is very delicate and care has to be taken in assembly. I did manage to break the gear shift liver several times and eventually finally added it in the final assembly. The model is only just over 60mm long and the kit comes with 71 parts, the only option being to have the back open or closed, so you’ll have one part left after assembly. I left the back open to show off the included stretchers. Roden call for Vallejo deep green, which to me looked way to dark so I used Vallejo olive green more in keeping with their colour work. In the photos I’ve included some Airfix WW1 German figures for size comparison.


I think Airfix was being a bit partisan in their WW1 figure sets as the German set has a medical team with a stretcher and several dead or wounded figures, but the British one doesn’t.


Hope you enjoy the photos of two unusual models.


Remember we do this for fun                                        John the Pom.



The two model together with the Airfix figures







Three views of the Vauxhall Ambulance.

Below the Vomag with the 88 mm










And finally a cautionary tale of what happens,if you try and take photos outside on a windy day.



Whoooops!                  JtP.

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One of my latest completions, 1/72 Boeing GA-18G Growler of VAQ-129, US Navy. This is from a training unit, so in real life wouldn't be fitted with all the live missiles.





Anyway Airfix, if you're going to bring out a movie kit of a second generation Hornet, this is the basic shape it should be!

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