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RailMaster Update [stops my Cobalt iPs working]

Guest Chrissaf

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I use Railmaster with e link.Recently when prompted I updated the software. But after that my Cobalt point motors dont respomd to my computer signals. The motors make a whirring noise when switched on but dont respond to my laptop signals. I regret downloading it!!. Any solutions please


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What was the version of RailMaster you were using before the update?

Do we assume that you updated to version 1.72?

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In the absence of the answer to my other question.


"What was the version of RailMaster you were using before the update?"


I suggest that you open your track plan in edit mode.

Delete all the configurations of the current points.

Recreate your point configurations again from scratch.

When you recreate the configurations [if you didn't do it before] add a sequential 'start-up position' number for each freshly added point.....see green highlight below:




No guarantee that this will fix your issue, but it might.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks Chrissof

I shall give it a try and let you know


I managed to sort out the point motors with the help of my computer literate son who came over the weekend. Now a new problem- all the locos details have disappeared!! I tried reprogamming with Gadwall loco .Gave 001 Id but get a meaage that says it is not in the database. Can someone tell me how to add about a dozen locos .I have Railmaster with elink using Windows 7



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These previous threads give a number of 'How To Tutorials' they are written for 'sound' locos, but just ignore the sound parts of the tutorial if not needed. For no loco found in the database, you need to follow the Tutorial for 'Manually Adding a Loco'.


Adding a loco from the database into RM (my post 3rd one down).



Using RM to change the address of an existing Loco



Using RM to read and write CVs



Manually adding a Loco to the RM Database.



Full description of the ‘Locomotive Settings’ screen in detail.



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You could try this..............It may be your "resources.mdb" file has been corrupted.  Temporarily rename that file to "resources.old" and rename the "resources.bak" file to "resources.mdb" .then close and re-open RM....this should re-instate your previous database........HB

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Just a slight correction to HB's excellent suggestion. The file is "resource.mdb" not resources.mdb


The file is located in your "program files (x86) railmaster" program folder.

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Not resourse.mdf the correct file name is resource.mdb and yes the resource.mdb file contains the data for your previously configured RailMaster locomotive roster list. No it is not another file.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What is annoying about this is that those mdf and mdb files are Microsoft Access database files. Sadly they are from a really old version and they can't be opened.  However what you can and should do before any update is to back these files up. I actually back up all the files that change and do that when ever I make a chnage - add a new loco change my layout design as some of this stuff can take hours to recreate.  This should mean that if thgey get lost or corrupted you can copy them back over the top of an update or a clean install say on anopther PC. 

The only possible problem is if the structure of those files could change across RailMater updates but I have not seen this and given that RailMaster is not really being developed this fall backup and restore should work, indeed on the pro pack there isactually a weak attempt to provide this but its not cloud enabled (oneDrive dropbox etc.).  It's also annoying you can't open the database files in Access to see what's in them and hack them the way we hack our locos and rolling stock to make them work for us.


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I’m glad you said that the database files cannot be opened in Access because 

i was having a go at this a week or two back and just could not get them to open so I thought it was just MS being a pest as usual wanting to flog me a bigger and better copy. Mine is in a licenced copy Office 2007.

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Being a bear of simple brain, can you not sinply go back to before update, where all worked. I will not update , for that reason. If it aint broke, etc. These diddy updares  usually , contain nothing of note, and in my mine, aint worth the risk.

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