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ARC Pro latest rev. - any issues?


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Hi All

Been reading through the posts and found mixed information, but believe I have the right answer.

Am I right I'm thinking that the ARC Pro originally shipped with two issues - lap counting when holding the lane swap button and also incompatible with curved track switch overs.


Since there have been two hardware revs fixing the above. The first fixing the curved switch over power overload and the second the lap counting issue, so if I have at least the first rev I can use curved switch overs.

If someone could confirm please.

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If I am reading this correctly I think you have some of your info a little mixed up but given the sheer amount of info that is not surprising.

Let me try it this way:

The latest ARC PRO available in the 24 hour Ginetta set and the Sunset Speedway set resolves all issues with older digital pieces as well as lap counting while pressing the lane change button.

The older powerbases can be used with the (even older) digital pieces with some modifications. Lap coutning is still an issue.

Both revisions require cars to have black guides and some cars such as the Monte Carlo NASCAR may have trouble with lap couing if set to ID 6. This can be easily rectified with a bit of black tape on the guide blade...

Does this help?

When talking about track peices it is a good idea to include the C number of track pieces .

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Hi Andy,


Reading through so much I took it that depending which arc pro you have - as in early or later models will depend on what issues you might have? And you can check the stamp on the rear of the arc pro for manufacturing date and therefore establish if you have the arc pro with the upgraded hardware to allow the curved crossover change lanes (C7007)


Also you can check the arc pro app to see what firmware revision you have to establish if you have the upgraded hardware.



Basically my arc pro works fine with the straight lane crossover (C7036) 


I would like to add the C7007 / C7008 - but without having to modify it.

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Hi Andy,


Sorry - not sure if I made it clear. I have an arc pro. I purchased it as a standalone unit at Xmas, along with the straight lane changer - this works fine with my arc pro.


I wouldn't mind the curved lane changers, but I want to be sure they will work with my arc pro, hence the need for clarification of hardware change identifying.

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If you do not want to race analog , do the easy  riko mod at slotforum , pinned at top.

It makes the original  arc pro,  that you have , into a great digital powerbase

and you do not need to correct curved changers to use them.


But if you want to use the curved changers in track for analog racing , they will need to be corrected ( power to lanes separated ).

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The stand-alone upgrade ARC PRO powerbase is the older revision.

Updating is difficult as several components were changed.

If you look through the cooling slats of the power base from the side of the track you should be able to see 2 white blocks roughly 2 cm from the outside. Then it is a new one.

If you only see 1 in the middle it is the old one.

I think there is a thread here on how to tell based on the serial number. 


You can modify the curved lane changers if you don't want to mod the ARC PRO.


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Thanks Andy, checked out your suggestion and also the link you recommended  and pleased to report the standalone ARC Pro I purchsed last Xmas is the latest hardware model. It has the two offset white plugs and is stamped up on the rear 3518 Ref 01.


I setup a small overall track with just one standard crossover (not lane changer) and no overload light - runs fine and also tested the lap counting holding down the crossover button - which is also fine! 


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About those curved changers ;


Had 8 and sold them all off because straight dual changers were simply better and took up less space.

Earlier ones needed surgery underneath to add a dimple to allow car to follow lane selected.

After mod when analog was then able to be used on them , you needed to tape down the moving changer or else you car can change lanes.

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