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Lost sound on DCC after Balasting


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I ahve lost sound on my layout after doing the balasting prob too heavy handed with glue but i have cleaned track with Track Magic loads of times no joy .The trains run ok but not a peep out of them.I have Elite an controller went through that it seems everything is working i am  at a bit of a loss.Have tested track and its DDC coming out of controller Any other ideas please?

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If the trains are actually running under DCC control, then logically it can't be the ballast that is affecting your sound else the loco motors wouldn't respond either.


Have you read the Elite manual Page 68 and implemented the Elite factory reset procedure?

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If resetting the Elite does nothing, then try resetting the sound. If these loco decoders are Hornby TTS, then writing 5 to CV8 will just reset the sound, but should leave the motor settings and the main DCC addresses untouched. Whereas writing 8 to CV8 will reset everything.

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I wouldn’t fret too much about counting flashes as firmware updates have altered these but they are no documented. Can you change any CV parameters or read-back CV1 or CV7/8 which will prove the Elite Prog side is working.


What value does the master volume return. You can alter this on the main to see if it instantly responds to 0 (off) 4 (default) or 8 (max).

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I suppose the important thing here is how many trains and what DCC sound decoders are they running? The other thing to try is to run them along a length of un ballasted track. So possibly buy a length of flexitrack, or use old track and see if the sound works. 

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Just for the sake of clarity .... what did you successfully reset at the second attempt. The Elite controller or your loco decoder(s)?

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I think when Sootei raised the topic he just assumed the ballasting had caused the issue. It effectively did, it seems the excess glue did something to the Elite that it didn't like. Why it would do that, seems very weird, but as I have noticed recently PVA glue does some weird things to electrics.

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Time to get the multimeter out Colin and prove conductivity or insulative properties of wet amd dry PVA.

More than likely it is the ballast material that is conducting. I have reused the contents of water filter cartridges before and I found they are mainly carbon based, so after seeing track problems I now have to restrict use of that resource away from exposed electrics.

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Actually when I was having issues with my Duchess not working,because I added real coal (it leaked out all over the tender wheels), I did exactly that. With the mutimeter it measured low impedance to the track, but the loco didn't work until I cleaned the wheels which removed the odd bits of PVA glue. It even passed current because you could see a small spark as it touched the wheel, but it still didn't work. So yes PVA glue has some weird properties, the issue is when it dries, it is clear so difficult to see. Perhaps it has some weird dielectric property that acts as a capacitor, not my field so I don't know.

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