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Paid for using handheld

Guest Chrissaf

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Good Morning All 

I have the PC based Hornby Railmaster and wanted to be able to use my Iphone for more than 2 locos so I paid £9.99 to have this facility.  It went through my bank on the 31st December 2020 and so far I have had no response no activation code and in fact no contact at all I emailed the sofware company on the link they give in railmaster and guess what still nothing !!!! any ideas or info I can have to get these people to send me the activation code ?  thanks.

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Did you make the purchase from within RailMaster via the 'Help Screen' using the purchase form?


Did you get any automatic notifications that the purchase request had been recieved?


TIP: As a newbie poster on the forum, just be aware that the 'Blue Button with the White Arrow' is not a 'Reply to this post' button. If you want to reply to any of the posts, scroll down and write your reply in the reply text box at the bottom of the page and click the Green 'Reply' button.


See also – further TIPs on how to get the best user experience from this forum. TIPs include 'How to post images' and 'How to make links clickable'.



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Hi Chris

Thanks for moving my chat to the right section  😀

Yes I made the purchase through the help screen using the purchase form fully filled in including my emai etc.

I work with computers every day so fully technical on PC's and software etc.

I also got request had been received.

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In that case, you have done everything you can at your end in terms of purchase process.


You are not the first person to raise getting activation keys back as an issue [both RailMasterPRO keys and Hand-Helds]. In many cases, it turned out that the keys had been sent by HRMS but not received due to email server issues. The HRMS mail servers seem to have more than their fair share of issues.


Note this though. These communication issues seem to be linked to users of non ISP email services such as the likes of "gmail". It transpires that HRMS may have implemented filter blocks on certain elements of these non ISP based mail services due to a large number of SPAM mails that originate from them. Users of ISP based mail services such as those operated by BT, TalkTalk, Virgin, Plusnet etc don't seem to have any reported issues.


All you can do is keep chasing HRMS [Hornby RailMaster Support] on support@rail-master.com


Note that HRMS do not publish any telephone numbers for direct contact and are a completely different company from Hornby. You are purchasing the HH license from HRMS not Hornby.


If continued chasing gets you nowhere, then as a last resort, Hornby publish a dedicated RailMaster helpline number. They can then act as a 'go between' to contact HRMS on your behalf to chase. It is messy, but it has worked for others to get their keys. The problem is that for the life of me I cannot remember where I saw the number published, but I think it may be this one (0)1843 233525. Note that this number is answered at Hornby in Margate not HRMS in Bedfordshire.


Note that HRMS do sometimes read the posts in this specific 'RailMaster' forum, but your current thread title is too vague to initiate their interest. I can change it for you to "My Hand-Held license has been paid for but not received." just let me know if you want me to change it.


PS - As you have used up your 2 initial newbie posts, you won't be able to reply till after 24 hours. After which, you should be able to post freely without any time limits. The 24 hour rule was introduced to limit SPAM posts, which this forum software is not very good at blocking.


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Hi All

I also emailed hornby direct on their Railmaster link and have not had any reply as yet will keep you updated I will give them to the end of the week, then I will call the number you have given me. I did not expect a quick response due to the current situation.

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I also emailed Hornby direct on their RailMaster link and have not had any reply as yet.


I reiterate to you again, HRMS [RailMaster link] are not Hornby. HRMS is a completely different company to Hornby.


I had occasion to email HRMS on Sat 2nd Jan and got a reply 09:30 Monday 4th. I have always had a prompt response from HRMS.


I refer you back to my comment about email communication issues with some email service providers. It sounds as if you might be a victim of that issue. BT ISP is my email provider and I have never had an email comms issue with HRMS.

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@Mart GWR

I know from previous and also very recent personal experience that although HRMS usually provide excellent Customer Support (sometimes at all times of the day or night), that they do occasionally have problems contacting customers via email.  Hopefully your issue should be sorted very soon.

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