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ASD8 (specifically the ADS-8sx &/or ADS-8fx types).


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Hi, many moons have passed since i last used/ wired these. I have entered points in schematic, wired them all up to ASD8, and clicked learning button. Only one fires. Will check for obvious, point motor too tight etc, but in the meantime, could someone, jot down how i test them with Elite. There are only 4, and they move on schematic, when clicked with mouse. What am i doing Wrong. thanks. john

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Hi, Rob, remember you are dealing with a bear of little brain. So far, i have given each point a number, in RM, and agreed left hand thingy. On Elite, i have called up addresses, ooo1- 0004, and entered them. Then got frozen, and came down. I think i am on course, have to flick switches across from Learning, when it is a tad warmer, (stove left on ). After that, its prayer mat time. Thank you for your guidance. Tis 5 years since they were originally fitted, and i cant remember what yesterdays lunch was. Heather is going to buy me a Dummies Book, to write in. Need to learn to read my own writing, next.

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I am very disappointed by the response to my post. With 71 people viewing, I would have thought more than one person has these DCC point decoders. If this is not the case then we must have had a mass exodus of members. These decoders are very popular, and have been discussed. Regularly on the forum in the past. I know they are still produced in 2 4 and 8 clusters, although name may have changed.

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Thanks guys. I belive I have sorted it this afternoon. I just found it a tad surprising that none of 71 viewers, were using these very popular items. May be those who were, have moved on. Shame.

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Roger, probably thanks. Was a tad frustrated when I posted. Makes the lack of replies even more curious, as normally, someone is quick to correct. They are such a good product, when one remembers how to set them up

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You’ll get more forum hits for ADS-8. Chris has a comprehensive standard post on setting these up, including the differences between the older and newer types.

In fact, see recent post in the RM forum where Chris has put the full tutorial.

PS. This thread should have been in the RM forum given John is using RM to set these up.

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