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Can't change decoder addresses with Elite controller


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I've finally got my track fit to run a couple of locos on so before starting I decided to update the controller to v1.4 which I'd downloaded a few months ago.

I've bought a few locos since I last had a usable layout & apart from checking them on

a small strip of test track I've not run them. Most still have the address 0003, although there are two that I'd changed.

I put one of the locos on the programming track and tried to change the address as normal. The red led on the controller flashed

between 10 and 15 times, not the stated 5 times. A couple of the locos also move back & forward a few mm while the 'programming' went on but when I came to test them the address was unchanged.

On one of the locos, a class 50, I'd previously changed

the address but could't change it now. I've only been able to change the address of two locos, a class 47 & a Eurostar. Both these have a hard-wired decoder.

One other chip I'd been able to re-programme is in a non Hornby rail cleaner. As a further

test I removed the decoders from the class 50 & the rail cleaner which are both DCC ready & swapped them over. I was then able to re-code the decoder whilst in the rail cleaner, then replace it in the class 50 where it works fine with the new number.


could, if all the locos are DCC ready, change all the address in this way but I think some may be hard-wired. Besides which there's an increased risk of the chips getting mishandled & damaged.

Anyone else had similar experience or any suggestions

/ cures. I've found another thread where OP was advised to contact customer care, but there's been no further comment so the outcome isn't known.
I'm sure it must be connected with the v1.4 release as I had no problems previously.

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As far as I can see nothing's changed for general loco programming. There's quite a bit on features for the Sapphire decoder but most of mine are R8249's.

Other than that there's various control features added or changed, makes choosing functions

much easier.
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I found issues when I upgraded to v 1.4. The first is that it put the Elite into 'Classic' mode by default when it needs to be in Standard mode. You can change this back by following the manual and when the Elite powers up it should momentarily say Standard

mode as it sets up.

Secondly, I found that after I had installed v1.4, a reset of the Elite was necessary because of these decoder quirks. After I had done these two things, I have had no problems with it.

Hope this helps
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Thanks. I'd already come across the Classic/Standard issue in previous searches along with the Reset suggestion, but I've tried them again anyway, with no success.

Since my previous post I've re-installed v1.3 firmware and successfully changed the

addresses of all the locos I've tried. A couple would only take 2 digit numbers but these may just be old decoders. I then changed back to v1.4, along with the Reset already mentioned, but again cannot change the addresses.

Definitely seems to be an

issue with v1.4

Time to contact Customer Care & see if they can assist at all.
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One last thing to try

Reset the decoders on the errant loco's to factory settings ( i.e. addr 3) by writing 8 to cv8.
Then try the Elite to see if you can change the address to something else. The Elite might have 'corrupted' somehow the decoder

addr. This happened to me on a B'man loco I had
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I have heard that hornby is aware of the standard/classic issue and is looking at how to address.

What sort of decoder is giving you the grief?

I have had issues reading/writing decoders due to using a power clip that (as I found out) had

a cap in it. I now use flying leads with alligator clips!

This problem should be the same on 1.3 as 1.4 but could be worth looking at.
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Greg - as far as I know all the decoders are R8249's.

Steve - I might give this a try later.Trouble being if I do reset the decoder but still can't re-programme it then I'm back to where I started.

At least now I have a fix - using

v1.3 software but for now I think I'll wait and see what advice Customer Care have to offer. I emailed them last night.
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Received a reply today.

It seems they are aware of an issue with V1.4 where it won't re-address R8215 decoders, though I did point out that some of my decoders are R8249's.

There's a new firmware (v1.41) but it hasn't been released yet as

they're still working on the manual to go with it.

They did offer to install it if I posted the controller to them but since I've already fixed most of the locos I declined the offer.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I am trying to program r8247 accessory decoders with my elite which as ver 1.41 on it well I programmed the first one ok with the group address of 1 and outlets 1,2,3,4 for my color l ight signals. but when i tried the next one with the group address of

2 outlets 5,6,7,8 zilch ok try another decoder again zilch.in the end i tried 7 r8247 dbefore ecoders with no luck apart from the first one. Any ideas please before I throw them and the elite out the window or ending my life. awaiting any help
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Don't end your life - its only a hobby! Well I know it works as I have two R8247 decoders and an Elite v1.4. Seems strange that you have tried several decoders and they don't take the second batch of addresses. I wonder if your Elite is corrupting the


Sometimes it just does strange things - I had a loco (B'man) that got completely corrupted by the Elite. The only solution was to reset everything. That is reset the decoder and the Elite - after that I had no probs. If that does't work then

its HCC, I think.
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I have v1.41 installed on my Elite and my 4 x acc decoders (1 x R8216, 1 x R8247- labelled as R8216, and 2 x R8247) work fine with that update.
Albeit they were previously programmed before v.1.3 and have worked OK since with subsequent Elite updates

to date.
Admittedly I haven't tried to programme them from scratch with v1.41 as I had no reason to.
V1.41 is supposed to sort out problems that v1.4 had programming R8215 loco decoders according to the supplied notes, but R8245 and R8249 decoders have

apparently never been a problem.
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One possibility to double-check - if you are using a track clip or power track to connect to your programming track, it must be a DCC type, not the old DC. The DC versions have a capacitor across the terminals and this inhibits programming. If you want

to keep using them, you have to break them open and remove the capacitor.
This applies to both problems above in the thread.
Otherwise, contact HCC, they are sure to be able to solve it for you.
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