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I have a GWR 0-6-0PT DCC 2732 from the digital set R2711. The loco is little used. It used to run well but now runs very poorly to not at all. I suspect it may be as a result of recently lubricating it. I have attempted to take it apart to give it a good clean but unscrewing the obvious bits leads nowhere. I’ve been unable to unearth anything helpful using Google. Can anybody tell me how to take the loco apart without destroying it! Thank you.

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The maintenance sheet that came with the set should show you how to separate the body and chassis: basically there is a horizontal chassis lug that clips in to a slot at the base of the bunker. Remove the couplings then release this clip by gently prising the rear of the body outwards with a bladed screwdriver and lower the rear end of the chassis out of the body allowing two claw-like chassis clips to release from the front end of the body below the smokebox.

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The R2711 appears to be an incorrect stock code number for a train set. Searching R2711 indicates a Class T9 steam locomotive. Example from the Hatton's site below:

www.hattons.co.uk - Hornby R2711 Class T9 Greyhound 4-4-0 729 in 1936 SR Green

Can you describe the train set in words. For example is it the "Western Master" with the RailMaster / eLink controller bundle. As this one comes with a 0-6-0 GWR loco in it. But this set is R1173.

EDIT: G.S posted whilst I was writing mine.

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If you have used excess oil [the general rule of thumb is 'if you can see the oil glistening on the surface you have used too much'], then the oil may have gotten into the electric motor or the decoder components or more likely between the wheels and the pickups. Using the correct type of oil is important too. It needs to be oil specifically formulated for models and not general oil such as '3 in1' or 'WD40'.

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You have probably got oil on the pickups or the backs of the wheels. Just go round the backs of the wheels with a cotton bud. You would have to be extremely unlucky to get it in to the motor, from looking at my 0-6-0 that is a long way for it to drip. More likely the pickups. The pickups on these also seem to have a habit of "pinging" off the wheels, they only seem to just touch on the top of the wheels.

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