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HMS Manxman


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Hi Smoover

Here's my first attempt at using photo-etch also my first attempt at water, or in this case a sea-scape. I always felt that water-line ship models look better as water-line as that's the way we usually see them.

While Airfix 600 scale kits where great especially the later ones, some of the earlier ones where a bit iffy. So here's my effort with the suburb HMS Manxman together with the some-what plain HMS Campbelltown plus the WEM photo-etch set in a fictitious meeting some were the the Bay of Biscay. I must admit the P-E really brings these models up to far more acceptable standard.

Good luck with the rigging etc. and it would be great to see the finished model.

keep them coming & remember we do this for fun. John the Pom



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 years later...

       G'day All, the HMS Manxman kit doesn't seem to have had much exposure here, this is the most recent thread I could find of the kit. I think the two models of her above are very good, particularly with the PE guard rails and other additions. Well done guys.

       I've done this kit three times now and a bit more basically, I don't do PE. The first was of HMS Manxman herself and was done quite some time ago and done mainly OOB. I did replace the quad .50cal mg (which were triples in the kit). I think the kit depicts the ship as when commissioned in mid 1941.

       The second build was of a sister-ship HMS Welshman. Due to their high speed and large mine deck some of these ships were used as blockade runners to Malta and Tobruk. HMS Welshman's first run was in May 1942 and neither the Admiralty or Churchill thought she would make it. She was disguised as a Vichy French destroyer, five 20mm Oerlikons added, jammed chock full of supplies and ammunition, and let loose. Her speed prevented some of the enemy's attempts at interception, and speed, AA fire-power and skillful ship handling saved her when they did. I did this build in 2018 and depicted the ship as on her arrival at Malta on 10th May 1942. As a disguise the crew made her appear as a raised-focsle ship with paint on the ship's side and canvas on the forward guard rails. Paint also gave her the appearance of raked funnels, false funnel caps added, and extra struts to the masts. She also had her bow altered with plywood but this was discarded at sea when she had to run her paravanes. She did three runs in about three months, and six or seven in total. She was torpedoed and sunk off Tobruk, her exploding depth-charges adding to the casualties. I scratch built the quad 2lb pompom, 20mm Oerlikons, masts, shafts and s few other mods.

       The third build is a whiff I've named HMS Antiope. I've built her as a convoy AA escort, after her repair from bomb damage received in the Mediterranean. The forward boiler room was destroyed by a Stuka's bomb so while under repair in the USA it was altered to store extra fuel and ammunition. Her mine deck was altered for extra accommodation and stores and her AA armament significantly enhanced. The piratical crew sourced/requisitioned/pilfered extra Carley floats to jettison for the crews of sunken ships if Antiope couldn't stop to pick them up. The protection of surviving ships was more urgent. I did a few alterations, including scratch building the twin 40mm Bofors and single 20mm Oelikons.

      Anyway, that's it for now. I've got two more in the stash, I might use them one day. Thank you for your interest. Stay safe and keep on modeling. Regards to all, Jeff.


HMS Manxman 2.JPG

WL450 HMS Welshman 10th May 1942 5.JPG

WL460 HMS Welshman 10th May 1942 6.JPG

HMS Antiope 1943 jm6.JPG

HMS Antiope 1943 jm15.JPG

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3 hours ago, Sailorman said:

I particularly liked the Welshman because of the Malta connection!

       G'day, I thought that might be the case. 🙂 Once I read of her exploits, particularly her first blockade run I wanted to do her in that guise. I managed to find some photos of her, including unloading at Malta so I hope I got her accurate. Within my ability anyway. I received a copy of Roger Hill's book "Destroyer Captain" about his time commanding HMS Ledbury, Grenville and Jervis and have read it twice. And right now I'm reading "Operation Pedestal" by Max Hastings. HMS Welshman gets mentioned in both.

       I've also done the light cruiser HMS Penelope and want to do HMS Eagle someday. As you no doubt know, both had a connection with Malta. And of course, SS Ohio if I can get plans or diagrams of her.

       Regards, Jeff.

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You mean this Ohio 🙂  It is my build to 1:600.  I have plans for the ship itself but not for all the pipes on the decks or the A/A positions.  I took those from the model in the Malta War Museum. If you wish, you could go to the Model Warships.com site, look for me under modellers section (Patrick Camilleri) and you can email me.  I will send you a scan of the Ohio Plan.



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Arnold....I'm almost 70 and have been building for a good 60 years.  My best builds are those of the last 10 years or so.....you should see my earlier ones.....on second thoughts, perhaps you shouldn't! 

Just go for it.  You can do it I'm sure!

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1 hour ago, Sailorman said:

I'm almost 70

You make me seem so young, I'm merely 67, approaching 68. 😁Other than a few models as a kid and a couple in my 20's I've mainly been modeling for about 25 years now, and yes my early builds were quite crude too. I would like to do the Ohio but she's a bit of a way down the build queue at present. But again thank you for your kind offer re diagrams.

There was a model of her in her peace time livery here a few years ago and I took some photos to help me if I ever got around to her. The hull contours I haven't found diagrams of yet. But I've only been scratch building hulls for just over a year now.

Again, thanks very much. Regards, Jeff.

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I find these posts really interesting. Never really been into ships but I love the way you guys work. The nearest I have got is buying the 1/400 Titanic but it's still sitting there in the stash waiting to be drawn into the fray.

You guys make me feel like a babe in arms at 61 🤣


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4 hours ago, Valhalla said:

The nearest I have got is buying the 1/400 Titanic but it's still sitting there in the stash waiting to be drawn into the fray.

Go on, you know you WANT to. 😁

4 hours ago, Valhalla said:

You guys make me feel like a babe in arms at 61 🤣

Yeah, the younger we can recruit converts (even toddlers such as yourself 😁) the more malleable they are. 🙂

       Again, thank you. I'm somewhat anti-social by nature and considerably deaf as well so I don't interact face-to-face with people very well. So your comments and interest here mean a lot to me.

Regards to all, Jeff.

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22 hours ago, ArnoldAmbrose said:

G'day Patrick, that's very kind, but looking at your model here I don't think I could even come close to your quality of build. It's a superb model.

Regards, Jeff.

You learn by by doing young man... (Go for it!) 


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I don't think it is a good idea to start hitting toddlers with mallets, it doesn't look good when placed Infront of the magistrate

13 hours ago, ArnoldAmbrose said:

Go on, you know you WANT to.l😁L

Yeah, the younger we can recruit converts (even toddlers such a yourself 😁) the more malleable they are. 🙂

       Again, thank you. I'm somewhat anti-social by nature and considerably deaf as well so I don't interact face-to-face with people very well. So your comments and interest here mean a lot to me.

Regards to all, Jeff.


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