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King class locomotive not running


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I have a new King class locomotive that is being obstinate in its refusal to run. Set up is as follows.

Hornby select controller.

King Edward 2 locomotive.

TTS card.

Also a pannier tank which does run.

When I program the locomotive with the controller it goes through the process and successfully selects the correct loco. However a few seconds later the controller will flash with the channel that has been selected. The loco will not move however it will make noises from the sound card. You can also hear a slight noise that sounds electrical.

The pannier tank loco runs on any selected channel with the same controller.

So have I missed something obvious or could there be an issue with the locomotive, controller or card? Any suggestions would be very welcome.

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It sounds like the King may have a fault.

If you can (Select firmware revision dependant) try a decoder reset by writing value 8 to CV8 to see if that helps, else it may be necessary to send the loco back.

When you say the pannier ‘runs’ on any channel what do you mean. It will respond to any loco address or any F-key you press produces a result.

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With regard to the pannier tank if I programme it for a particular channel it will run on that channel as you would hope.

The select version is 20 30. I’m sorry but I can’t find the relevant section in the manual on how to write a CV value. The links on the forum to the PDF manuals appear broken.

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Thanks for the link. I input the value but had no joy.

Unfortunately the nearest shop is some distance (The joys of living in the Antipodes I guess) so I’ll remove the body of the loco and see if there is anything to see.

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Lift the decoder socket and check for solder tracking or stray wires across the pin traces.

Use a multimeter to check loco to tender wheel continuity.

It is not unknown for some locos to be mis-wired from the factory.

Look for and remove any capacitor across the motor brushes.

If you are using a Hornby power track or power clip to connect to your track flip the cover off/open and snip out any capacitor found.


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I had an Edward V earlier in the year which behaved similarly. Tried all sorts of things to get it going but eventually had to return it to the supplier. It did appear to run with the decoder removed and the blanking plug replaced, i.e. in DC mode. I say 'appeared to' as I didn't test it over a long distance.

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  • 2 months later...

I have checked for voltage across the motor in dcc mode and it appears to be correct. Tried running in analog which it failed to move where other trains do.

In summary I suspect it is the motor. Unfortunately the service sheet doesn’t list the part number. Google leads me to suspect part number X7011 as being suitable for an R5354. Can anyone confirm that is correct?

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The Service Sheet for the King has not yet been updated to show recent releases but, unless there have been running changes to the loco's specification (unlikely), I think you are safe in assuming the X7011 motor will be the one for your loco (R3534?). Check with the seller or Hornby Customer Services to be sure.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I changed out the motor and no joy. Sound but no motion.

Then I changed out the decoder - same result.

So after much swearing and consternation I made the realisation that the 8 pin plug is symmetric. Or, to put it another way, there are two ways you can plug it in. Turns out the wrong way round allows the sound to work but the locomotive wont move. Plug it in the correct way (Leads to the back) and the sun comes out, the birds start singing and the b%$$&^ locomotive runs like a bought one.

One the up side I now have a spare motor.

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The 8-pin plug is kind of symmetrical but only to the extent of the motor and pickup wiring, so you can plug it in either way and the thing will work but the motor direction will reverse.

The four inner wires look after function power usually used for directional and other lights and the decoder must be plugged in correctly for these to work i.e. decoder orange wire to socket pin one as marked. If the plug is reversed then the positive feed sits on one of the switched negative pins and therefore becomes ineffective.

I would suggest the plug pins are not making very good contact with the socket or the socket plate has solder tracking or a stray wire strand shorting the traces. Lift the socket and inspect carefully under a good light with a magnifier for any such tracking, else unplug the decoder and check for unwanted continuity pin to pin on the socket.

Consider getting a decoder test rig which will allow you to prove if the decoder is crook or not, pointing firmly at the loco or not.

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There is something not making sense here? Rob’s reply above explains what happens when the decoder plug is the wrong way around - the loco still runs but the functions connected to other pins on the plug don’t work (doesn’t include sound not working?).

The problem is djr is reporting the loco won’t run when the plug is reversed. This should not be the case so I conclude there is something else wrong but yet to be identified.

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Fishy may have latched onto something.

Going back to the OP you say.

When I program the locomotive with the controller it goes through the process and successfully selects the correct loco. However a few seconds later the controller will flash with the channel that has been selected. The loco will not move however it will make noises from the sound card. You can also hear a slight noise that sounds electric.

That flashing tells me either the Select is in Programming mode awaiting some other command or it is browning out and rebooting. I would suggest you reset the decoder by writing value 8 to CV8 in Programming mode, check it works on address 3 which will prove the reset has worked. If all is well change the address to your one of choice.

If we could post videos then we could look over your shoulder and see what you see as it happens.

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