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eLink, can this be repaired?

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Hopefully someone will be along soon to help. In the meantime:

Moderator Note:

Could you please select the 'View my Community’ in your Dashboard on the Forum and choose a nickname in the ‘My profile' tab, rather than your First name that has been automatically allocated by the system. Hopefully a Forum change is coming soon to prevent this automatic allocation but a manual change is required at the moment and there will be more than one member with your name.

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Lendons of Cardiff offer a repair service. They claim to know more about Hornby kit than Hornby does - haha. Their service is for warranty work but they may take on out of warranty if asked. . .


Does it appear to work even though the LED is out.

If you know your way around electronics fault finding, or know someone who does, this may be helpful . .


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Have Hornby given you this 'not repairable' assesment verbally over the phone or did you send it off for repair and they performed an 'on the workbench' assessment before returning it to you with an 'unrepairable' status.

If they have physically checked it prior to saying that it is 'unrepairable' then I would treat that as gospel. They probably mean that the cost of repairing it is more than the cost of a new one, the damage may be such that it requires a complete new PCB and that any repair needed is far more extensive than just replacing individual components and thus deemed 'uneconomic' to repair.

Similar questions to this have been asked before, and it has been suggested that it would be nice if Hornby offered a 'discounted price replacement' in situations where the controller is defined as unrepairable but so far, these suggestions have fallen on Hornby's deaf ear.

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Mods have no access to members personal email addresses (data protection regulations).

In situations like this, moderator 96RAF, may offer to be an unofficial go between. In his signature panel is a URL to his personal website. On this website is a 'Contact Me' link. Both interested parties would then send Rob a message via his website requesting contact with the other forum member.

But do wait for Rob to offer this 'go between' service in this thread before sending any messages.

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I notice that the OP states he has a spare eLink so I guess the kind offers to send him one will not be taken up, but for future information of others, if you contact me via my website link below I will pass your contact details to a third party.

Posting contact details openly on the forum is not allowed so we have to use this back door to put members in direct contact with each other.

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