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DCC Select


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Hi, I've got a problem with my Hornby Select controller. Yesterday it was working perfectly allowing me to input code numbers for my locos. Today it isn't even powering my DCC locos and it is not allowing me to input code numbers. When I tryto do this the light on the controller flashes 8 times! It won't me to re-input numbers to the locos I have already installed. HELP!

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Do you know what firmware revision state your Select is - first number seen at power up followed by 30 then 03.

If it is 16 or 20 you may have inadvertently entered programming mode.

Switch it off and on again noting the firmware number, then write down each key stroke you make and what you see.

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The 8 flashes indicates that the Select is probably in CV configuration (programming) mode as Rob above has surmised.

If this is indeed the case, then note that any and all DCC devices (locos etc) that were / are connected to the Select track output at the time you saw the 8 flashes may have had their existing configuration accidentally changed. You might (in the worst case scenario) have to reset and re-configure all your decoders. Reset is writing 8 to CV8. When the Select is in CV configuration mode, only one single DCC decoder device can be connected to the track at a time.

The Select sends 'programming' commands as a broadcast and ANY & ALL devices connected to the track output will respond. Thus the reason previously working locos have now stopped working could be because you have changed their configurations in error and they are no longer responding to their previously configured DCC Addresses.

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OK Thank you for that although I'm not sure what it means as I have absolutely no knowledge of electronics. So I'll do what 96RAF has suggested later today. I'll come back for more advice if that fails. So fingers crossed....

Thank you to everyone in this Hornby Forum. The knowledge you have is incredible.



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It seems to me that your attention to looking at the Select screen was slightly delayed as you powered up the Select. You have to be quick as the firmware number does not stay on screen very long. It appears before the number 30.

If the firmware version number genuinely didn't appear then I suggest performing a Select factory reset as documented in the Select manual. But note that if your Select is version 16 or 20 then you need to follow the 'Reset' method in the Version 16 manual addendum downloadable from this Hornby website support section.

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At a successful power up the last number on screen should be 03 which is the default address and that tell us the Select has booted correctly and is ready for use. You then manually input the address you wish to use and press Select. The loco should react to that address.

You should as Chris suggests perform a unit reset following the steps in the correct version of the manual. This will put the Select into a known state.

If your Select is as suspected at rev 1.1 (first number seen 11) then you would be wise to get it updated by Hornby as rev 1.1 has a bug that can damage accessory decoders. If not at this rev then tell us what the first number seen is.

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Hi, Good morning 96RAF, you and Chris have been brilliant and the reset has worked. Thank you both. I have to say sorry that I 've taken some time to get back to you. You see, I've suffered a stroke and my mobility is pretty awful. Anyway, it's done now but another problem has arrived and that's the sound function. To start the sound I press Function0. I try to press both buttons at the same time. Usually the screen either shows "On" or "Off" but now it doesn't. So I cannot fire up the sound. Any ideas?

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You don't press F and 1 together. You press them sequentially. But you have to press the numbers first before you press the Function button.

Note that the DCC Address of the loco has to be selected first and the loco address (a number between 1 and 59) has to be displayed on screen before implementing the Function option.

So for example, switching on Function 1 for Loco Address 15 would be these key presses.

Press 1

Press 5

Press Select

15 displays on screen

Press 1

Press Function

Function 1 switches on

Assuming a new loco address has not been selected.

Press 1

Press Function

Function 1 switches off.

Note that with 'play once' sounds like a horn or whistle for example, you have to send the Function number twice. Once to switch the function 'on' and again to switch it 'off'. Hence the fuller description above for the F1 example.

For double digit Functions (12 for example), after selecting the loco DCC address you would press 1 followed by 2 followed by Function.

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