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TTS Tornado fault

Second time around

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Hi B.S, a little more info would help:

  • when it stops, does the sound continue?
  • what about other locos on the layout, do they stop too?
  • what does it take to get started again?
  • what controller are you using?
  • if Select or eLink, are you using the 1 or the 4 Amp supply?

Then you could improve your hits with a better title. Don’t just tell us it has a fault, tell us what the fault is: “TTS Tornado Not Running Properly”.

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I have had this problem before on several TTS equipped locos, mostly older ring-field motors which can be more power hungry. Check the usual, clean wheels, lubricated for free running, etc. It is as if the decoder is self protecting on the motor drive side and the decoder is browning out.

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Im using select controller, placing the train on the track the sound starts straight away, stationary all the sounds work, but as soon as i turn the controller to start the loco moving, it moves half an inch and stops. Sound continues. I have reset CV 8 to 8. Using my railmaster . If i take the sound chip out and replace the blank 8 pin It works fine on my dc track.

I have cleaned the track, i have cleaned the loco wheels.

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You say you are using a Select but also RM. Cannot be both at the same time as Select doesn’t work with RM. If I assume you are using an eLink with RM, then still need an answer to one of my original questions - 1 or 4 Amp power supply? And what about whether other trains continue to work?

On Rob’s suggestion of decoder overload, I agree that’s a possibility. But given it used to work, something in the loco and motor must have changed to increase the motor current, right from startup.

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From what you say and that it was originally working it sounds like the decoder has issues. If there is a capacitor across the motor you could try removing it and seeing if it makes a difference. From what you are describing and that you have checked all the normal things, it is a return decoder to Hornby to see what they say. From what I have learn what is in these devices it sounds like the motor driver part of the decoder is failing once it has to drive current which means there is nothing you can do. I must admit I have had all sorts of failures with TTS decoders but this is a new one on me. I suppose the other thing you could check is the 8 pin DCC socket, make sure none of the individual sockets are loose. The DC headers have slightly larger diameter pins than the decoder ones, so sometimes if your 8 pin socket has issues it fails on DCC, but not on DC.

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Rick, I would not describe B.S’s problem as intermittent, it’s quite consistent. If yours is really intermittent (sometimes it works ok and sometimes not), then it is very likely different. Therefore, you could explore it further on here by raising your own topic in this sub-forum. If you do so, try to use a title that summarizes the specific symptoms you are seeing. Earlier TTS decoders were the subject of a number of faults common to all such decoders, including one fault fixed by returning the decoder for firmware upgrade.

So despite it being out of warranty, I would ring Hornby Customer Care and see what they say.

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