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Prairie tank running erratically


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I have just received my latest acquisition, R3725x large prairie 2-6-2 engine. Keen to get it on the track imagine my disappointment when at first it would not move, then it moved but jerkily, then stopped altogether.

This intermittent issue has continued for the last couple of days. I tried it on 3 different track layouts but still the same. I then put my Tornado engine on the tracks to see whether that had any problem but that worked perfectly. My question is simple, is there an issue with the engine and if so how do I go about fixing it or should I just simply return it to Hornby for them to check it over.

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Having an X-suffix to the catalogue number indicates that the loco has a DCC decoder fitted. But by posting this query in the General Discussion section rather than that dealing with DCC matters, are you running the loco on an analogue layout with or without the decoder still in place?

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Many thanks for the replies to my query. Having checked last night, the loco is indeed fitted with a dcc decoder. I have tried with the decoder disconnected but the loco simply refuses to budge. Plugging it back in the motor will turn, but as before erratically.

The layout is analogue, controlled via a HM 2000 power controller.

Any further suggestions would be most welcome.

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If you unplug the decoder you will need to replace it with a blanking plug. I don't recall if loco's that are DCC Fitted come with a blanking plug in the box? There are usually some on ebay.

Sams Trains review -

Sam runs his trains on a carpeted floor and in most cases they are reviewed straight out of the box - no running in (which he admitted to) - not an ideal situation.

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If you don't have a blanking plug handy just bridge pins 1 and 8 and pins 4 and 5 at the socket using wire links (thin paperclip will do), once the decoder is unplugged. This will connect the wheel pickups to the motor brushes and enable the motor to run.

Pin numbers as drawn are Orange = 1, Red = 8, Black = 4 and Grey = 5.


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Hi I had the same problem with mine returned it to the supplier got a replacement exactly the same. I read on another forum it's a common issue, returned mine for a refund. Purchased the Dapol one, no problems.

Regards John.

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@Sir john

If you buy a DCC fitted locomotive, (indicated by the X in the part number), and return it for a replacement you will get exactly the same because it will be another DCC fitted loco, i.e. it is supplied with a decoder already fitted. The Dapol model is DCC ready, i.e. it runs on analogue, but is fitted with a DCC socket ready for a decoder to be installed.

If this is a common issue it's because people are not being careful enough when they make their purchase. There is nothing wrong with the product in this case.

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@ portterton

Not sure why you are implying I'm an idiot I'm well aware if you exchange you will get the same. For your information, the Dapol one is available DCC fitted which is what I purchased and it runs flawlessly. Read the reviews about the Hornby one on the Hornby Facebook page.

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@Sir john

In no way did I mean to infer you are an idiot and if that is the impression I gave then I apologise unreservedly. When you said you got exactly the same I thought you meant the replacement performed in the same way as your original. I would be surprised that the same person would be so unfortunate to get two new locos with the same fault. The rest of my post was meant as a warning to people generally to be aware of what the X in the part number means, thus hopefully avoiding frustration and disappointment.

Once again, apologies for any offence caused.

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@ Potterton

No offence taken I did indeed get a replacement which did perform exactly the same as the original so that was returned also. I then purchased the dapol one which as I said was dcc fitted (the hornby ones were also dcc fitted) the dapol one performs flawlessly. If you look on hattons website you can see several listed as erratic runners


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Just because the loco is DCC fitted it should run on DC, the only ones that don't are the TTS fitted ones and that is because Hornby have disabled the DC option. A DCC fitted loco will take more throttle to make it move on DC but it should still work. The only thing you do have to be careful about is that you don't run a DCC fitted loco with an old DC controller as these don't filter the AC properly so the DCC controller decoder can be damaged by overvoltage.

Surprisingly Sam in his videos said the Hornby one was rubbish, Jenny Kirk seemed to think it was ok. I know which one I believe, the one that doesn't get freebies off Hornby.

Mod note - corrected per Colin’s post below.

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  • 3 weeks later...

To update those of you who very kindly replied to my query re. the erratic running of my prairie tank engine. I tried the various suggestions without success, so sent it back to Hornby for their service team to look at it. Turns out that there was an issue with the PCB and following replacement of said part (under warranty), the engine was returned to me and now works fine.

All credit to Hornby for the efficient way my issue was dealt with.

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