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Steam Generator


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New steam generator locos ... do they only create steam on DCC.

This question has been raised and discussed at some length on the forum. To be honest, an answer has not been definitively confirmed*** by Hornby, but the general consensus is yes they do need DCC decoders fitted to generate steam, and also, if so fitted - won't work on DC.

However, with regard directional lighting generally. When factory fitted to locos, they do typically work on both DC [DCC Ready] and DCC [DCC Fitted] locos.

Note*** unless the info has been updated since the last time I have read appropriate postings.

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There is a ton of unanswered questions on this topic when I read the catalogue it inferred that you didn't need DCC. There is also the issue of the new 21 pin DCC socket in the tender but the smoke generator, firebox flicker and forward lights in the loco. There is no mention of changing the 4 way lead between loco and tender, so how do they control lights and the smoke generator from DCC. Currently firebox flicker on the Princess is two diodes feeding an led off the rail supply, no DCC control.

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Further to the above...

I can confirm that the steam generator unit will only work in conjunction with the new sound decoder included as part of the factory fit, hence the SS (Steam and Sound) suffix. Operation will be DCC only as certain CVs will allow adjustment of certain characteristics of the steam effect.

Firebox glow and marker code lights where fitted may possibly be operable on DC depending upon the type of blanking header fitted, but this is not yet confirmed.

Suggestions have been proposed to Hornby for changes to clarify the associated product pages for the three SS locos in the initial range launch to indicate which additional lighting feature applies to which model and to state that sound is included along with the steam generator.

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Just to add to the info in this thread, when the Steam Generator locos were first announced, the Hornby website for each of the 3 locos stated DCC Ready but the Printed Catalog, when it was released, said DCC Fitted and included the TTS graphic.

Checking today the Hornby website has at some point been corrected as it now says that the DCC status is TTS Fitted.

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All three locos say TTS Fitted in the Tech Spec panel but the main blurb for each remains vague which was the original gripe by folk and the FS doesn't even mention sound in the main write up only the Tech Spec.

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It's worth watching the Key Publishing YouTube video with Mike Wild (Ed.of Hornby Magazine) and Mark Chivers. They go through all of the new 2022 announcements in more detail than I have seen in print. The video lasts 1hr 45mins, and the item on the new Black 5 is at 36mins 45secs. they say the loco is complete - straight out of the box - nothing to add and comes fitted with the new 21-pin decoder. So this should enable everything to work straight out of the box (steam, sound,lights etc.) - with the usual type of wires between tender and loco, I cannot see it matters whether the decoder is in the loco or the tender. They do not mention how it may work on analogue.

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You are missing the point Bulliedboy if the decoder is in the tender how can it control the firebox glow, lights and steam unit in the loco, if there are only the usual amount of wires between loco and tender. So ok, you but the decoder in the loco then you can control these things. Issue is there probably isn't enough room for a 21 pin DCC setup, that is why Bachmann and Dapol have moved to the next 18 format, its footprint is smaller. So I don't know and nobody has answered that question.

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I just watched the Jenny Kirk Youtube video where she had the TRS Trains Tornado on test. This as you are probably aware has steam, sound, working front lamps and firebox flicker. There are a number of "side shots" and there are at least four wires running from tender to loco. I would guess that the Hornby version is very similar. It was a Hornby Railroad version on test.

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