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Dual Controllers - Wiring up

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Hi All!

When you implement dual controllers - 1 for locos, 1 for accessories, how is the wiring done to the layout?

Controller 1 gives main track feed, but controller 2 track feed cannot be simultaneously also attached, can it? Does it blow the layout?

Very confused. I do have a spare Elite for accessories, but I might be tempted to deploy a second e link, to keep it neater, if that is possible?

cheers all

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You run two separate bus systems, one from controller A to the track to control locos and another from controller B to control points, signals, etc. These must not be connected together at any location.

Each controller is configured as such in RM setup and each accessory is linked to controller B in design mode.

You are correct - you must not connect two DCC controllers together or you will damage the controllers. The only exception is if you have a Select connected to an Elite in Walkabout mode using a special cable.

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I get you. A separate main 'bus' for all accessories means quite a bit of re wiring/re routing to get stuff off the current connection and then re configure the track design accordingly.

I shall have a think about that... ;-)

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Just run another pair of bus wires from the second (accessory) controller. Pull the accessory connects from the track bus and connect to the new bus wires.

Insulate any bare parts of the track bus.

No track rework necessary.

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Why do you want to use two DCC controllers (Consoles)?

Just take the Track output from the main DCC controller to an all Electronic DCC overload cutout then feed the rails from the overload device output and the accessories from the main console output side like this drawing...


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  • 3 weeks later...


I have just yesterday wired up a new E-link for locos as controller A, with my old Elite now used for accessories as controller B. Here is how I did it with a few learnt fixes. I already had two separate buses, 1 for track rails and 1 for accessories, so no major rewiring required.

The track outlet on the E-link connects to the track rail bus. I was already using a Hornby power booster for accessories with my old Elite so as before, the Boost outlet on the Elite is connected to the IN connection on the power booster with the power booster track outlet connected to the accessory bus.

Power for the new E-link comes from a 4 amp transformer (re-purposed from the old Elite), power for the booster comes from the existing 4 amp transformer and power for the Elite comes from the 1 amp transformer that came with new E-link. This why I use a booster to give more power to the accessories (if accessories are powered from the track they will only receive 1 amp)

The E-link is connected to the computer via a USB configured as Com 3 with a baud rate of 115200. The Elite is connected to the computer via a USB configured as Com 2 with a baud rate of 19200. (the higher baud rate for the E-link should now allow for a high data transfer rate for my DCC sound locos)

Now you have locos controlled by a 4 amp E-link as controller A, and you have accessories controlled by 4 amp Elite as controller B via the booster.

The important thing I had to fix was all the points/uncouplers on my track plan needed to be changed from controller A to controller B, and I also edited my existing Rail-master programs which contained points to ensure they were selected as controller B.

I also deleted the existing railmaster.ini file so that a new railmaster.ini file would be created after the changes were made and tested.

I hope this gives you some help with your upgrade plans.


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Forum user Stingray has written a handy utility that swaps all the controller A/B allocations over when swapping services from controller to controller. This also corrects your programs. There is a link to it on the forum somewhere unless Ray wants to repost it.

Not sure why you want to run the Elite off a 1-amp supply then feed it into a booster module, why not just run it direct to your points bus under a 4-amp supply. Elite will barely run on a 1-amp supply.

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Hi John, might I suggest that, having created your new .ini file, and if you haven’t already done so, you go to the FAQ Index sticky thread at the top of this forum, then to FAQ1 and ensure your entries and order of entries are as recommended here for your particular setup.

RM isn’t too bad at getting ini files that are at least close to optimum as long as it is at latest version and your controllers are operating and correctly configured for drivers, com ports and baud rates when it creates the file. But that doesn’t mean to say it will be perfect and you may still find improvements in FAQ1. And if there is any problem with controller configuration when the file is created, RM has no chance of getting it correct.

Finally on the configuration you are reporting, it’s unusual to be able to put a controller on com 2 as this is usually allocated to other things by Windows. You might consider moving this one to com 4.

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