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Postman Prat said:

Voice of experience, John???

Hi Postman Prat
Yes one of those son don't remind me moments.
Dad had just bought me a brand new system 6 layout pack from memory a single line with passing loop

and siding.
For what ever the reason was the super 4 track needed replacing.
Any way we set it up on the lounge floor, Dad went to the shed to get a tape measure to make sure it would fit on the toy cupboard hinged train flap thing where it was to be

set up, came back into the lounge and trod on the track breaking some of it.
I went ballistic as only a child can had not even run a train on it.
So it was off to the toy shop to get a replacement layout pack.
We came back with a double track with

two siding pack Dad not impressed as he had bought the last single track one the trip before.
Me well I now had a double track main line, goods yard(OK it was two sidings) and branch line this to me was real railway heaven, Hmm Kings Cross was a bit small.

The only station I had for a very long time after that was the way side halt.
regards John
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Getting back to the original video, which was a rather quaint 'short-line', when there were dozens of collieries still working I had to visit them in the North Midlands and South Yorkshire as party of my job. One place, the Coalite plant off Buttermilk


Lane Bolsover, had a large internal rail system, and the track was laid in a mixture of coal dust and crushed Coalite, and the rails were flush with the surface. I was driving the BR little yellow van across the yard when I managed to rip the exhaust off on


a piece of rail that was sticking up.


We loaned them a 08 now and again when their locomotive was under repair, and before we sent it our fitters removed the guard irons (those pointy things that hang down in front of the driving wheels) because if


we left them on they would strike the rough track and derail the loco. To ride on the footplate up the yard was a lot like a fairground ride!


Coalite was not unique, I have experienced really diabolical track in many private sidings, and in one or two


BR goods yards too!

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