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HM6010 power supply

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I have just purchased a HM 6010 and successfully connected 4 points. smiley

However I would like to purchase another HM6010 and was under the impression that you run three HM 6010 off one power supply.

in the instructions it makes no mention of how this is possible kissing_closed_eyes

Can anyone assist me as how you can achieve this or anyone who has successfully managed this?


Chris Woolf

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There is no commercial off the shelf product for the job, but if you can find the parts you can make your own ‘daisy chain’ or ‘cat-o-nine-tails power splitter. These are widely and cheaply available for CCTV systems but they have the wrong size end fittings.


Hornby uses a unique 6.3mmx3.0/3.1mm jack and socket. The jacks are available but the sockets are almost impossible to find.

An alternative is to make a lash up distribution board by feeding the output of either a four amp or one amp supply into a terminal block and taking multiple jack feeds from there to the modules.

I made a splitter by using a socket robbed from an old eLink board. All of their digital kit uses the same size.

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